Oringinal Old Chinese Version:
JinGangjing (English Translation)
First Part : The Origin
I heard Budha's teaching and had recorded this:
During that time, Budha was in Anathapindika (a place for the monks) in Shravarti (name of a state in Tin Chuk天竺), together with a thousand two hundred fifty bhikshus (monks).
One day, when it was time for meal, Budha put on his robe and carried his bowl (I think other monks were doing the same) went into the city of Shravasti to beg for food. In the city, he went from door to door without choosing a special house and then returned to his place and had his food. After meal he put away his bowl, undressed his robe, washed his feet and arranged himself to take a seat.
Today's Chinese translation (中文意譯)
第一課 法會的起源部分
當時, 佛祖在舍衛國的衹樹給孤獨園(僧侶聚集的地方), 與一千二百五十大比丘(僧侶)在一起.
一日, 是日中(僧侶午後不食)進食的時候, 佛祖穿上僧袍, 拿起食缽, 進入舍衛國的大城乞食. 在城中, 俟門俟戶順序而乞, 不會特意選定某門某戶. 乞食畢,
返回園里進食. 食畢, 收拾好僧袍食缽, 沐足後, 回到安排好的座位, 開始打坐.
JinGangJing (German translation)
Der erste Teil: der Ursprung
Ich hörte Budha lehrend und hatte das registriert:
Während dieser Zeit war Budha in Anathapindika (ein Platz für die Mönche) in Shravarti (Name eines Zustands in Tin Chuk), zusammen mit eintausendzweihundertfünfzig bhikshus (Mönche).
Eines Tages, als es Zeit für die Mahlzeit war, stellt Budha auf seine Robe und trug seine Schüssel (ich denke, dass andere Mönche dasselbe machten) trat in die Stadt von Shravasti ein,um das Essen zu bitten. In der Stadt ging er von Tür bis Tür, ohne ein spezielles Haus zu wählen, und kehrte dann zu seinem Platz zurück und hatte sein Essen. Nach der Mahlzeit legte er seine Schüssel weg, entkleidete seine Robe, wusch seine Füße und veranlasste sich sich zu setzen.
(Note: I try to translate JinGangJing into spoken Chinese, English and German. I hope to make it)
2010年12月31日 星期五
2010年12月30日 星期四
Wish and Prayer for 2011
No matter it is good or bad this year,
be grateful and thankful to what we had.
And be hopeful in the New Year! 希望在明天。
Don't curse the past though it might be a bad year,
Work genuinely for today though it is the last day of a year,
Be confident with to-morrow though it is all but unknown,
Welcome 2011!
No matter it is good or bad this year,
be grateful and thankful to what we had.
And be hopeful in the New Year! 希望在明天。
Don't curse the past though it might be a bad year,
Work genuinely for today though it is the last day of a year,
Be confident with to-morrow though it is all but unknown,
Welcome 2011!
Enviromental tips (1)
Don't throw your paper away until it is fullu utilized. (say use as scrap paper)
2010年12月24日 星期五
Biography of Mr David Leung
Brief Biography:
David Leung is currently a PhD candidate majoring in musicology. His research area is focused on the use of programmatic references in the understanding of Hong Kong contemporary music written in western compositional format at The University of Hong Kong under the supervision of Dr. Giorgio Biancorosso. Leung has also written extensively on the musical expression and aesthetics, the subject to which Leung was drawn both as a composer, and through his studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong where he received a MPhil in music theory on the topic about Takemitsu’s uses of “sea motive” and “sea of tonality” in 2005, as well as another MPhil in musicology at The University of Hong Kong for the thesis “Memory, Aesthetics and Musical Quotation: Four Case Studies in 20th Century Music” in 2007 as a researcher. Leung’s particular interest is to explore how music relates to various arts, and how they convey meaning and evoke aesthetic response of listeners through different contexts. Currently Leung is writing his PhD thesis entitled Programming a Traditional Chineseness: A Historical Survey of the Development of Hong Kong Contemporary Music.
Furthermore, being a first honor graduate from HKAPA in composition and electronic music in 2003, Leung has been an active composer in Hong Kong for over a decade. Leung have published more than thirty pieces of musical work of different genres, including Refined Wisdom, which won the best composition award in the Hong Kong New Generation music competition 2001 and the commissioned work, Conversion for Pipa, Erhu and woodwind quartet, which was broadcasted live in Hong Kong Radio 4.
David Leung is currently a PhD candidate majoring in musicology. His research area is focused on the use of programmatic references in the understanding of Hong Kong contemporary music written in western compositional format at The University of Hong Kong under the supervision of Dr. Giorgio Biancorosso. Leung has also written extensively on the musical expression and aesthetics, the subject to which Leung was drawn both as a composer, and through his studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong where he received a MPhil in music theory on the topic about Takemitsu’s uses of “sea motive” and “sea of tonality” in 2005, as well as another MPhil in musicology at The University of Hong Kong for the thesis “Memory, Aesthetics and Musical Quotation: Four Case Studies in 20th Century Music” in 2007 as a researcher. Leung’s particular interest is to explore how music relates to various arts, and how they convey meaning and evoke aesthetic response of listeners through different contexts. Currently Leung is writing his PhD thesis entitled Programming a Traditional Chineseness: A Historical Survey of the Development of Hong Kong Contemporary Music.
Furthermore, being a first honor graduate from HKAPA in composition and electronic music in 2003, Leung has been an active composer in Hong Kong for over a decade. Leung have published more than thirty pieces of musical work of different genres, including Refined Wisdom, which won the best composition award in the Hong Kong New Generation music competition 2001 and the commissioned work, Conversion for Pipa, Erhu and woodwind quartet, which was broadcasted live in Hong Kong Radio 4.
2010年12月23日 星期四
2010年12月21日 星期二
LMusTCL Examination
Enrolment Periods:
15 Dec 2010 - 5 Jan 2011 (in person)
Before 15 Jan 2011, 17:30 hrs (on line)
Examination Date:
7 May 2011 (SAT)
15 Dec 2010 - 5 Jan 2011 (in person)
Before 15 Jan 2011, 17:30 hrs (on line)
Examination Date:
7 May 2011 (SAT)
2010年12月20日 星期一
Der Totentanz by JW Goethe (English translated by oswald)
Der Türmer, der schaut zu mitten der Nacht
Hinab auf die Gräber in Lage;
Der Mond, der hat alles ins Helle gebracht,
Der Kirchhof, er liegt wie am Tage.
Da regt sich ein Grab und ein anderes dann:
Sie kommen hervor, ein Weib da, ein Mann,
In weißen und schleppenden Hemden.
Das reckt nun, es will sich ergetzen sogleich,
Die Knöchel zur Runde, zum Kranz,
So arm und so jung, und so alt und so reich;
Doch hindern die Schleppen am Tanz.
Und weil hier die Scham nun nicht weiter gebeut,
Sie schütteln sich alle, da liegen zerstreut
Die Hemdelein über den Hügeln.
Nun hebt sich der Schenkel, nun wackelt das Bein,
Gebärden da gibt es vertrackte;
Dann klipperts und klpperts mitunter hinein,
Als schlüg man die Hölzlein zum Takte.
Das kommt nun dem Türmer so lächerlich vor;
Da raunt ihm der Schalk, der Versucher, ins Ohr:
Geh! hole dir einen der Laken.
Getan wie gedacht! und er flüchtet sich schnell
Nun hinter geheiligte Türen.
Der Mond, und noch immer er scheinet so hell
Zum Tznz, den sie schauderlich führen.
Doch endlich verlieret sichdieser und der,
Schleicht eins nach dem andern gekleidet einher,
Und husch! is es unter dem Rasen.
Nur einer, der trippelt und stolpert zuletzt
Und tappet und grapst an den Grüften;
Doch hat kein Geselle so schwer ihn verletzt,
Er wittert das Tuch in den Lüften.
Er rüttelt die Turmtür, sie schlägt ihn zurück,
Geziert und gesegnet, dem Türmer zum Glück,
Sie blinkt von metallenen Kreuzen.
Das Hemd muß er haben, da rastet er nicht,
Da gilt auch kein langes Besinnen,
Den gotischen Zierat ergreift nun der Wicht
Und klettert von Zinne zu Zinnen. And from point on to point hastes to climb.
Nun ist's um den armen, den Türmer getan!
Es ruckt sich von Schnörkel zu Schnörkel hinan,
Langbeinigen Spinnen vergleichbar.
Der Türmer erbleichet, der Türmer erbebt,
Gern gäb er ihn wieder, den Laken.
Da häkelt — jetzt hat er am längsten gelebt —
Den Zipfel ein eiserner Zacken.
Schon trübet der Mond sich verschwindenden Scheins,
Die Glocke, sie donnert ein mächtiges Eins,
Und unten zerschellt das Gerippe.
The Dance of the Death (by JW Goethe)
(English translated by oswald)
The watchman, on guard in the middle of the night,
Looks down at the graves high up from the watch tower.
The moon, in its brightness has brought everything so clear.
The churchyard, lies there and is lit up like the day.
There, one grave tomb stirs and another follows:
Out they come, here is a woman, there a man,
In white and trailing shrouds.
They stretch their bones and are now so delightful,
They form themselves into a circle and begin a round dance,
The poor and the young, the old and the rich,
Their trailing shrounds hindering their dances,
Whilst the laws of modesty here do not apply,
So they shake off all their shrounds,
And let them lying over the tombs around the mould.
Now they hop in their thighs, now they wag with their legs,
The gestures are antic and mad;
Now and again there are klippings and clappings,
As if someone is keeping time with castanets,
These occurences have become rediculous to the watchman;
The rouge, the tempter murmur in his ear:
Go! And seize one of their shrounds.
As swift as thought it is done! And quickily he flees back
Now at behind the doors of the shrine.
The moon, is still shining brightly
On the dance that are so scaring.
At last, the dancers leave one after another,
Creeping back in their shrounds,
And shoo! they are back under the mould.
Only one left behind, he tumbles and stumbles along;
And fumbling and snatching on the graves,
But none of his fellows has done him such serious deeds,
He smells and scents the shrould from the air.
He rattles the gate of the tower, it repels him in return,
The gate is decorated and blessed, that is lucky for the watchman,
And is covered with shining metal holy crosses.
His shroud he must have, he has no time to waste,
Without deliberate thinking,
The poor thing seizes the Goethic ornamentation
And begins to climb the tower wall from merlon to merlon.
Now for the watchman it is desperate, his day is done!
Up the skeleton moves swift, pinacle to pinacle,
Like a long-legged spider.
The watchman turns pale, the watchman trembles,
He tries to give the shroud back.
But a corner of it --- now his end is near ---
Was caught by an iron spike.
The moon is obscured by the clouds and its light is fading,
The clock, thunders a mighty roar, strikes one.
And the skeleton is smashed to pieces down the tower.
Hinab auf die Gräber in Lage;
Der Mond, der hat alles ins Helle gebracht,
Der Kirchhof, er liegt wie am Tage.
Da regt sich ein Grab und ein anderes dann:
Sie kommen hervor, ein Weib da, ein Mann,
In weißen und schleppenden Hemden.
Das reckt nun, es will sich ergetzen sogleich,
Die Knöchel zur Runde, zum Kranz,
So arm und so jung, und so alt und so reich;
Doch hindern die Schleppen am Tanz.
Und weil hier die Scham nun nicht weiter gebeut,
Sie schütteln sich alle, da liegen zerstreut
Die Hemdelein über den Hügeln.
Nun hebt sich der Schenkel, nun wackelt das Bein,
Gebärden da gibt es vertrackte;
Dann klipperts und klpperts mitunter hinein,
Als schlüg man die Hölzlein zum Takte.
Das kommt nun dem Türmer so lächerlich vor;
Da raunt ihm der Schalk, der Versucher, ins Ohr:
Geh! hole dir einen der Laken.
Getan wie gedacht! und er flüchtet sich schnell
Nun hinter geheiligte Türen.
Der Mond, und noch immer er scheinet so hell
Zum Tznz, den sie schauderlich führen.
Doch endlich verlieret sichdieser und der,
Schleicht eins nach dem andern gekleidet einher,
Und husch! is es unter dem Rasen.
Nur einer, der trippelt und stolpert zuletzt
Und tappet und grapst an den Grüften;
Doch hat kein Geselle so schwer ihn verletzt,
Er wittert das Tuch in den Lüften.
Er rüttelt die Turmtür, sie schlägt ihn zurück,
Geziert und gesegnet, dem Türmer zum Glück,
Sie blinkt von metallenen Kreuzen.
Das Hemd muß er haben, da rastet er nicht,
Da gilt auch kein langes Besinnen,
Den gotischen Zierat ergreift nun der Wicht
Und klettert von Zinne zu Zinnen. And from point on to point hastes to climb.
Nun ist's um den armen, den Türmer getan!
Es ruckt sich von Schnörkel zu Schnörkel hinan,
Langbeinigen Spinnen vergleichbar.
Der Türmer erbleichet, der Türmer erbebt,
Gern gäb er ihn wieder, den Laken.
Da häkelt — jetzt hat er am längsten gelebt —
Den Zipfel ein eiserner Zacken.
Schon trübet der Mond sich verschwindenden Scheins,
Die Glocke, sie donnert ein mächtiges Eins,
Und unten zerschellt das Gerippe.
The Dance of the Death (by JW Goethe)
(English translated by oswald)
The watchman, on guard in the middle of the night,
Looks down at the graves high up from the watch tower.
The moon, in its brightness has brought everything so clear.
The churchyard, lies there and is lit up like the day.
There, one grave tomb stirs and another follows:
Out they come, here is a woman, there a man,
In white and trailing shrouds.
They stretch their bones and are now so delightful,
They form themselves into a circle and begin a round dance,
The poor and the young, the old and the rich,
Their trailing shrounds hindering their dances,
Whilst the laws of modesty here do not apply,
So they shake off all their shrounds,
And let them lying over the tombs around the mould.
Now they hop in their thighs, now they wag with their legs,
The gestures are antic and mad;
Now and again there are klippings and clappings,
As if someone is keeping time with castanets,
These occurences have become rediculous to the watchman;
The rouge, the tempter murmur in his ear:
Go! And seize one of their shrounds.
As swift as thought it is done! And quickily he flees back
Now at behind the doors of the shrine.
The moon, is still shining brightly
On the dance that are so scaring.
At last, the dancers leave one after another,
Creeping back in their shrounds,
And shoo! they are back under the mould.
Only one left behind, he tumbles and stumbles along;
And fumbling and snatching on the graves,
But none of his fellows has done him such serious deeds,
He smells and scents the shrould from the air.
He rattles the gate of the tower, it repels him in return,
The gate is decorated and blessed, that is lucky for the watchman,
And is covered with shining metal holy crosses.
His shroud he must have, he has no time to waste,
Without deliberate thinking,
The poor thing seizes the Goethic ornamentation
And begins to climb the tower wall from merlon to merlon.
Now for the watchman it is desperate, his day is done!
Up the skeleton moves swift, pinacle to pinacle,
Like a long-legged spider.
The watchman turns pale, the watchman trembles,
He tries to give the shroud back.
But a corner of it --- now his end is near ---
Was caught by an iron spike.
The moon is obscured by the clouds and its light is fading,
The clock, thunders a mighty roar, strikes one.
And the skeleton is smashed to pieces down the tower.
Christmas with Poetry
I highly recommend the following event:
時間:9:00pm - 12:00mid-night
9:15pm - 9:45pm (柏麗大道近九龍公園游泳池入口);
10:00pm - 10:30pm (柏麗大道與金巴利道交界);
10:45pm - 11:15pm (尖沙嘴鐘樓);
11:30pm - 12:00mid-night (文化中心樓梯)
聯絡方法:小風 (9607 4715)、舒湄 (9270 9117)
是次詩會將以表演的形式進行,讓我們沿街散佈詩意。當中精彩內容包括:街頭朗誦、不准齋讀詩表演、手風琴演奏……更特別的是,這次我們一路更有詩人賣火柴,販售另類詩體驗!我們歡迎各位詩友到場加入「街頭散佈詩意」的行列。有興趣的詩友,可直接與小風 (9607 4715) 聯絡。
|| http://ourpoem.tk || poemselves@gmail.com ||
|| 小風 +852 9607 4715 || 舒湄 +852 9270 9117 || 星風 +852 6482 9141
時間:9:00pm - 12:00mid-night
9:15pm - 9:45pm (柏麗大道近九龍公園游泳池入口);
10:00pm - 10:30pm (柏麗大道與金巴利道交界);
10:45pm - 11:15pm (尖沙嘴鐘樓);
11:30pm - 12:00mid-night (文化中心樓梯)
聯絡方法:小風 (9607 4715)、舒湄 (9270 9117)
是次詩會將以表演的形式進行,讓我們沿街散佈詩意。當中精彩內容包括:街頭朗誦、不准齋讀詩表演、手風琴演奏……更特別的是,這次我們一路更有詩人賣火柴,販售另類詩體驗!我們歡迎各位詩友到場加入「街頭散佈詩意」的行列。有興趣的詩友,可直接與小風 (9607 4715) 聯絡。
|| http://ourpoem.tk || poemselves@gmail.com ||
|| 小風 +852 9607 4715 || 舒湄 +852 9270 9117 || 星風 +852 6482 9141
2010年12月19日 星期日
LMUST Examination Workshop
Hi dear friends,
I am very please to declare that a workshop on the LMUST Exam is planned to carry in Feb 2011. The lecturer is Mr. David Leung.
The commencing date suggested: 21 Feb 2011, Monday, from 7:00pm-9:30pm
Place: 10 Wai Ching St., 11/f., Jordan.
Fees: abut HKD 1200 (to be confirmed)
Periods: 10 * 2.5 hrs/week (to be confirmed)
Your who are intered please forward their names to oswald by email sharegivetake@gmail.com
Course details will be announced later. Get prepared.
I am very please to declare that a workshop on the LMUST Exam is planned to carry in Feb 2011. The lecturer is Mr. David Leung.
The commencing date suggested: 21 Feb 2011, Monday, from 7:00pm-9:30pm
Place: 10 Wai Ching St., 11/f., Jordan.
Fees: abut HKD 1200 (to be confirmed)
Periods: 10 * 2.5 hrs/week (to be confirmed)
Your who are intered please forward their names to oswald by email sharegivetake@gmail.com
Course details will be announced later. Get prepared.
2010年12月17日 星期五
Last glimpse of light (by oswald)
A tranquil afternoon,
The slanting light of the late winter beams,
stays peacefully at the opposite building,
No disturbance, no annoyance,
Gently soothing your last glimpse of life.
Say, there is no neglect, no complaint,
That is what is life.
The slanting light of the late winter beams,
stays peacefully at the opposite building,
No disturbance, no annoyance,
Gently soothing your last glimpse of life.
Say, there is no neglect, no complaint,
That is what is life.
2010年12月12日 星期日
Evil Mail
Hi Dear Friends,
Please note that there is a so-called "tubely" mail sent under my name. I did not send such mail. It could be virus mail. Please IGNOR it
Please note that there is a so-called "tubely" mail sent under my name. I did not send such mail. It could be virus mail. Please IGNOR it
2010年12月6日 星期一
2010年11月26日 星期五
星期六 賣旗日 (by oswald)
星期六 買旗日
叔叔 買支旗啦
摸摸口袋 實在很窮
我笑着說 我買了
摸摸口袋 還有一元
星期六 買旗日
叔叔 買支旗啦
摸摸口袋 實在很窮
我笑着說 我買了
摸摸口袋 還有一元
2010年11月24日 星期三
Fourth Music Event
The Fourth Music presentation will be "on air" Monday 29th Nov 2010.
Oswald will be your DJ presenting to you one-and-half hour of
Christmas Music (from disc).
The Venu is HK Reader, 68, Sai Yeung Choi Street South
Time: starting from 2030 hours
Theme: Christmas tunes in orchestral arrangements
Modes: Casual and with discussion and talk
Please come and join Oswald and enjoy an early Christmas Music Party.
The Fourth Music presentation will be "on air" Monday 29th Nov 2010.
Oswald will be your DJ presenting to you one-and-half hour of
Christmas Music (from disc).
The Venu is HK Reader, 68, Sai Yeung Choi Street South
Time: starting from 2030 hours
Theme: Christmas tunes in orchestral arrangements
Modes: Casual and with discussion and talk
Please come and join Oswald and enjoy an early Christmas Music Party.
Poem by Rumi (p30)
(Chinese and German translated by oswald from English at 1125 hours on 25 Nov 2010)
(English translated by Jonathan Star)
Every question I ask is about you,
Every step I take is toward you.
I slept well last night
but I woke up drunk.
I must have dreamt about you.
Jede Frage, die ich frage, ist über Sie,
Jeder Schritt, den ich nehme, ist zu Ihnen.
Ich schlief gut gestern Abend
aber ich wachte betrunken auf.
Ich muss über Sie geträumt haben.
(Chinesisch und Deutsch übersetzen von Oswald von englischen um 1125 Uhr am 25. November 2010)
(Englisch übersetzt von Jonathan Star)
2010年11月23日 星期二
Poem by Rumi
(Original in Arabic)
(Chinese translated from English by oswald 1000 hrs 24 Nov 20100)
(English translated by Johnathan Star)
I've been dead to this world for a long time.
Every day my body grows weaker
and soon it will return to the earth.
It is not difficult to renounce this life
or this world,
But to give up your love,
that's is difficult ------
no, impossible.
(Original in Arabic)
(Chinese translated from English by oswald 1000 hrs 24 Nov 20100)
(English translated by Johnathan Star)
I've been dead to this world for a long time.
Every day my body grows weaker
and soon it will return to the earth.
It is not difficult to renounce this life
or this world,
But to give up your love,
that's is difficult ------
no, impossible.
Poem by Rumi
(Poem by Rumi)
(translated by oswald 1000 hrs 24 Nov 20100)
I've been dead to this world for a long time.
Every day my body grows weaker
and soon it will return to the earth.
It is not difficult to renounce this life
or this world,
But to give up your love,
that's is difficult ------
no, impossible
(Poem by Rumi)
(translated by oswald 1000 hrs 24 Nov 20100)
I've been dead to this world for a long time.
Every day my body grows weaker
and soon it will return to the earth.
It is not difficult to renounce this life
or this world,
But to give up your love,
that's is difficult ------
no, impossible
2010年11月20日 星期六
Contributions and Donations (updated 21 Nov 2010)
Name................... Descriptions................ Date
Mr. Henry Chan HKD 200.00 on 02 May 2010
Ms. Cale Lau Cards(HKD 60.00) on 25 Jul 2010
Ms. Cale Lau 4 Red Wine(HKD320.00) on 12 Sep 2010
Mr. Henry Chan HKD 500.00 on 26 Sep 2010
Ms. Chan Wun Hung HKD 1000.00 on 08 Oct 2010
Mr. Henry Chan HKD 1000.00 on 21 Nov 2010
Mr. Henry Chan HKD 200.00 on 02 May 2010
Ms. Cale Lau Cards(HKD 60.00) on 25 Jul 2010
Ms. Cale Lau 4 Red Wine(HKD320.00) on 12 Sep 2010
Mr. Henry Chan HKD 500.00 on 26 Sep 2010
Ms. Chan Wun Hung HKD 1000.00 on 08 Oct 2010
Mr. Henry Chan HKD 1000.00 on 21 Nov 2010
2010年11月19日 星期五
(Chinese translated by oswald 20 Nov 2010)
Gleich und Gleich (by JW Goethe)
Ein Blumenglöckchen
Vom Boden hervor,
War fruh gesprosset
In lieblichem Flor.
Da kam ein Bienchen
Und naschte fein: -
Die müssen beide
Für einander sein.
A Date
Little bellflower you have come early,
Spring is still far away,
You sprang sternly from the ground.
How sweet you are.
You little bee came along,
Sipping elegantly from your partner,
You two must have been
made for each another.
(Translated by oswald on 24 Nov 2010)
(Subjected to further proof read)
(Chinese translated by oswald 20 Nov 2010)
Gleich und Gleich (by JW Goethe)
Ein Blumenglöckchen
Vom Boden hervor,
War fruh gesprosset
In lieblichem Flor.
Da kam ein Bienchen
Und naschte fein: -
Die müssen beide
Für einander sein.
A Date
Little bellflower you have come early,
Spring is still far away,
You sprang sternly from the ground.
How sweet you are.
You little bee came along,
Sipping elegantly from your partner,
You two must have been
made for each another.
(Translated by oswald on 24 Nov 2010)
(Subjected to further proof read)
2010年11月16日 星期二
Ode of Life (by oswald)
Oh, a forever traveller,
A traveller in the universe,
A traveller in the galaxy,
A traveller in the dreams.
Ah, dear God, let's talk.
In this time of the night,
In this time of my life,
I am left drifting, alone.
God, I am tired.
But I still fight.
As a soldier of life,
I will never retired.
Give me my sword,
Give me your words,
And I will give you
My life.
A traveller in the universe,
A traveller in the galaxy,
A traveller in the dreams.
Ah, dear God, let's talk.
In this time of the night,
In this time of my life,
I am left drifting, alone.
God, I am tired.
But I still fight.
As a soldier of life,
I will never retired.
Give me my sword,
Give me your words,
And I will give you
My life.
2010年11月8日 星期一
無風帶 (劉霞)
無風帶 - 劉霞---- 給 X • X
Windless Belt by Liu Xia
(translated by oswald)
Do not know if the wind blows on that day,
Also do not know what you have heard people say,
Having the first mouthful of tea in the morning,
You decided you need to go.
Your woman has made you a shot-sleeved over coat,
Young girls are adoring you,
Friends are flocking in your place. At the door
the little white book is portrayed with fate.
You swallow a catty of erguotou,
Being away is still hinging your heart.
In the cracked borken glass cup,
The red strawberry has lost its glamour.
Anything you would see in the darkness,
It is there all you have to forget.
All the roads look alike,
Winds never come to blow just for man.
Windstiller Riemen durch Liu Xia
(übersetzt von oswald am morgen 9. Nov 2010)
Weiß nicht, ob der Wind an diesem Tag bläst,
Weiß auch nicht, was du habst gehörst Leute zu sagen,
Den ersten Mundvoll von Tee am Morgen zu haben,
Du enschiedest, dass du gehen müsst.
Deine Frau hast du geschossen-sleeved über den Mantel gemacht,
Junge Mädchen verehrst du,
Freunde strömen in deinem Platz. An der Tür
das kleine weiße Buch wird mit dem Schicksal porträtiert.
Du schluckst einen katzenhaften von erguotou,
Weg zu sein, hängst noch dein Herz ein,
In der geknackten borken Glastasse,
Die rote Erdbeere hat seinen Zauber verloren.
Irgendetwas würdst du in der Finsternis sehen,
Das ist dort alles, dass du vergißt müssen.
Alle Straßen schauen gleich,
Winde kommen nie, um gerade für den Mann zu blasen
Windless Belt by Liu Xia
(translated by oswald)
Do not know if the wind blows on that day,
Also do not know what you have heard people say,
Having the first mouthful of tea in the morning,
You decided you need to go.
Your woman has made you a shot-sleeved over coat,
Young girls are adoring you,
Friends are flocking in your place. At the door
the little white book is portrayed with fate.
You swallow a catty of erguotou,
Being away is still hinging your heart.
In the cracked borken glass cup,
The red strawberry has lost its glamour.
Anything you would see in the darkness,
It is there all you have to forget.
All the roads look alike,
Winds never come to blow just for man.
Windstiller Riemen durch Liu Xia
(übersetzt von oswald am morgen 9. Nov 2010)
Weiß nicht, ob der Wind an diesem Tag bläst,
Weiß auch nicht, was du habst gehörst Leute zu sagen,
Den ersten Mundvoll von Tee am Morgen zu haben,
Du enschiedest, dass du gehen müsst.
Deine Frau hast du geschossen-sleeved über den Mantel gemacht,
Junge Mädchen verehrst du,
Freunde strömen in deinem Platz. An der Tür
das kleine weiße Buch wird mit dem Schicksal porträtiert.
Du schluckst einen katzenhaften von erguotou,
Weg zu sein, hängst noch dein Herz ein,
In der geknackten borken Glastasse,
Die rote Erdbeere hat seinen Zauber verloren.
Irgendetwas würdst du in der Finsternis sehen,
Das ist dort alles, dass du vergißt müssen.
Alle Straßen schauen gleich,
Winde kommen nie, um gerade für den Mann zu blasen
2010年11月6日 星期六
失眠的夜晚 (劉霞)
失眠的夜晚 (劉霞)
「這個女人, 她是個瘋子。」
Sleepless Night. By Liu Xia
(translated by oswald)
A sleepless night,
She prepared the murk with venom splling all over.
Hailstones, razor sharp, are streaming through her blood.
Amongst the prosperous, flourishing, brocaded crowd of people,
Her vicious vision gazed firmly
at every tiny spot, so quietly
growing, slowly maneuvering, pervading.
That certain thing inside her body
has long gone and withered,
The most distinguished words are already dead.
For many times, new lives were surrendered
with the grandiose and glory that come with it.
She is in fear, in the sunlight, that pair of
small, exposed hands of the baby.
She can see that they have become ropes,
good for hanging, and
in a vertical falling momentum declaring to the people of the world:
" This woman, she is a lunatic."
「這個女人, 她是個瘋子。」
Sleepless Night. By Liu Xia
(translated by oswald)
A sleepless night,
She prepared the murk with venom splling all over.
Hailstones, razor sharp, are streaming through her blood.
Amongst the prosperous, flourishing, brocaded crowd of people,
Her vicious vision gazed firmly
at every tiny spot, so quietly
growing, slowly maneuvering, pervading.
That certain thing inside her body
has long gone and withered,
The most distinguished words are already dead.
For many times, new lives were surrendered
with the grandiose and glory that come with it.
She is in fear, in the sunlight, that pair of
small, exposed hands of the baby.
She can see that they have become ropes,
good for hanging, and
in a vertical falling momentum declaring to the people of the world:
" This woman, she is a lunatic."
2010年11月4日 星期四
錯位 (劉霞)
Wrong Position by Liu Xia
(translated by oswald)
(subject to further proof reading)
In an unprepared friable moment,
An unrehearsed play is put on show.
Betrayed by the dazzling lightings,
I found myself standing on the stage,
With a ridiculous awesome look,
Foolish sharp canines are glaring bright.
A role that should be timid and sad,
has gone beyond control,
The long in starvation blood vessels,
Surge their ways mad and high.
I have been made into a wicked red-eye witch,
Openly in the eyes of all people,
Brewing wine from bones of skulls.
Hardly any costumes and or cosmetics
Can help me camouflaged.
The curtains fall,
I stand shoulder to shoulder with me and myself,
One is crying with tears on the whole face
One is laughing loudly in her extreme
Wrong Position by Liu Xia
(translated by oswald)
(subject to further proof reading)
In an unprepared friable moment,
An unrehearsed play is put on show.
Betrayed by the dazzling lightings,
I found myself standing on the stage,
With a ridiculous awesome look,
Foolish sharp canines are glaring bright.
A role that should be timid and sad,
has gone beyond control,
The long in starvation blood vessels,
Surge their ways mad and high.
I have been made into a wicked red-eye witch,
Openly in the eyes of all people,
Brewing wine from bones of skulls.
Hardly any costumes and or cosmetics
Can help me camouflaged.
The curtains fall,
I stand shoulder to shoulder with me and myself,
One is crying with tears on the whole face
One is laughing loudly in her extreme
Conversations (by oswald)
A: The temperature is dropping.
B: Yes.
A: It's 17°C today and it will go down to 13°C in the next few days.
B: Yes.
A: You don't feel cold?
B: No... Yes, a little bit.
A: Why don't you wear a jacket?
B: I forgot.
A: Where is your jacket?
B: I don't know.
A: .............
B: Yes.
A: It's 17°C today and it will go down to 13°C in the next few days.
B: Yes.
A: You don't feel cold?
B: No... Yes, a little bit.
A: Why don't you wear a jacket?
B: I forgot.
A: Where is your jacket?
B: I don't know.
A: .............
2010年11月2日 星期二
你是我 (劉曉波)
你是我......... (劉曉波)
You are me....... by Liu Xiaobo
(translated by oswald on 05 Jan 2010 )
(revised 1125 hrs on 03 Nov 2010)
You are me,
The Winter days that are passing,
has become brighter because of your stiffness.
The wind drills into my bones, I woke up.
You have caused everything withered, but
Leaving behind only the coldness,
for me to stand and face.
The Ice-cracked sky,
is what you send to a prisoner your greetings.
I could find no way to escape from this Winter,
You are hunting me through any single crack.
The frozen ears
have become so sensitive,
That it can hear every single thread of sound
From you.
I am naked,
Melting in unision with this Winter days.
Du bist ich ....... durch Liu Xiaobo
(übersetzt von oswald am 5. Januar 2010)
(revidierte 1125 Uhr., am 3. November 2010)
Du bist ich,
Die Wintertage, die gehen,
ist heller wegen deiner Steifkeit geworden.
Der Wind bohrt in meine Knochen, ich wachte auf.
Sie haben alles Verwelktes verursacht, aber
Das Zurücklassen nur die Kälte,
für mich, um zu stehen und zu liegen.
Der Eisgeknackte Himmel,
ist, was du an einen Gefangenen deinen Grüßen senden.
Ich konnte keine Weise finden, in diesem Winter zu entweichen,
Du jagst mich durch jede einzelne Spalte.
Die eingefrorenen Ohren
sind so empfindlich geworden,
Dass es jeden einzelnen Faden des Tons hören kann
Von dir.
Ich bin nackt,
Das Schmelzen im Einklang mit diesen Wintertagen.
(The above translations are subject to final proofing by oswald)
You are me....... by Liu Xiaobo
(translated by oswald on 05 Jan 2010 )
(revised 1125 hrs on 03 Nov 2010)
You are me,
The Winter days that are passing,
has become brighter because of your stiffness.
The wind drills into my bones, I woke up.
You have caused everything withered, but
Leaving behind only the coldness,
for me to stand and face.
The Ice-cracked sky,
is what you send to a prisoner your greetings.
I could find no way to escape from this Winter,
You are hunting me through any single crack.
The frozen ears
have become so sensitive,
That it can hear every single thread of sound
From you.
I am naked,
Melting in unision with this Winter days.
Du bist ich ....... durch Liu Xiaobo
(übersetzt von oswald am 5. Januar 2010)
(revidierte 1125 Uhr., am 3. November 2010)
Du bist ich,
Die Wintertage, die gehen,
ist heller wegen deiner Steifkeit geworden.
Der Wind bohrt in meine Knochen, ich wachte auf.
Sie haben alles Verwelktes verursacht, aber
Das Zurücklassen nur die Kälte,
für mich, um zu stehen und zu liegen.
Der Eisgeknackte Himmel,
ist, was du an einen Gefangenen deinen Grüßen senden.
Ich konnte keine Weise finden, in diesem Winter zu entweichen,
Du jagst mich durch jede einzelne Spalte.
Die eingefrorenen Ohren
sind so empfindlich geworden,
Dass es jeden einzelnen Faden des Tons hören kann
Von dir.
Ich bin nackt,
Das Schmelzen im Einklang mit diesen Wintertagen.
(The above translations are subject to final proofing by oswald)
柚子 (劉霞)
柚子 (劉霞)
Pomelo by Liu Xia
(translated by oswald)
(0007 hrs on 03 Nov 2010)
I trifle with a large and round pomelo,
Golden yellowish in a lump,
Transpiring a bitterly refreshing fragrance.
By means of a small cutter
The seemingly thick outer skin can be slit.
In the midst of a speechless pain,
I begin to shiver.
When life has lost its sensibilty in pain,
It is no more than the un-picked fruits,
What it is waiting for is to become rotten and rotten.
I truely prefer to be this pomelo,
Be slit by cutter, striped by hands, bitten by teeth.
Be in a fleet of pain
Dying peacefully and calmly,
Rather than watching my own decaying body,
Fully bred with wriggling maggots.
Entirely for a whole winter,
I have been repeatedly doing one same thing,
Slash open pomelo by pomelo,
Sucking the nutrtion in the process of death.
Pomelo durch Liu Xia
(übersetzt von oswald)
(am 3. November 2010, 0007 Uhr)
Ich spiele mit einem großen und herum pomelo,
Golden gelblich in einem Klumpen,
Das Durchsickern eines bitter erfrischenden Dufts.
Mittels eines kleinen Schneidenden
Die scheinbar dicke Außenhaut kann aufgeschlitzt werden.
In der Mitte eines sprachlosen Schmerzes,
Ich beginne zu zittern.
Als Leben seinen Sensibilitäten im Schmerz verloren hat,
Das ist nicht mehr als die aufgetrennten Früchte,
Worauf es wartet, soll faul und faul werden.
Ich ziehe wahr es vor, dieser pomelo zu sein,
Werden Sie vom Schneidenden, gestreift werden Sie durch Hände, gebissen durch Zähne aufgeschlitzt.
Seien Sie in einer Flotte des Schmerzes
Das Sterben friedlich und ruhig,
Anstatt meinen eigenen Verfallen-Körper zu beobachten,
Völlig geboren mit sich windenden Maden.
Völlig seit dem ganzen Winter,
Ich habe eine dieselbe Sache wiederholt gemacht,
Hieb offener pomelo durch pomelo,
Das Saugen des nutrtion im Prozess des Todes.
Pomelo by Liu Xia
(translated by oswald)
(0007 hrs on 03 Nov 2010)
I trifle with a large and round pomelo,
Golden yellowish in a lump,
Transpiring a bitterly refreshing fragrance.
By means of a small cutter
The seemingly thick outer skin can be slit.
In the midst of a speechless pain,
I begin to shiver.
When life has lost its sensibilty in pain,
It is no more than the un-picked fruits,
What it is waiting for is to become rotten and rotten.
I truely prefer to be this pomelo,
Be slit by cutter, striped by hands, bitten by teeth.
Be in a fleet of pain
Dying peacefully and calmly,
Rather than watching my own decaying body,
Fully bred with wriggling maggots.
Entirely for a whole winter,
I have been repeatedly doing one same thing,
Slash open pomelo by pomelo,
Sucking the nutrtion in the process of death.
Pomelo durch Liu Xia
(übersetzt von oswald)
(am 3. November 2010, 0007 Uhr)
Ich spiele mit einem großen und herum pomelo,
Golden gelblich in einem Klumpen,
Das Durchsickern eines bitter erfrischenden Dufts.
Mittels eines kleinen Schneidenden
Die scheinbar dicke Außenhaut kann aufgeschlitzt werden.
In der Mitte eines sprachlosen Schmerzes,
Ich beginne zu zittern.
Als Leben seinen Sensibilitäten im Schmerz verloren hat,
Das ist nicht mehr als die aufgetrennten Früchte,
Worauf es wartet, soll faul und faul werden.
Ich ziehe wahr es vor, dieser pomelo zu sein,
Werden Sie vom Schneidenden, gestreift werden Sie durch Hände, gebissen durch Zähne aufgeschlitzt.
Seien Sie in einer Flotte des Schmerzes
Das Sterben friedlich und ruhig,
Anstatt meinen eigenen Verfallen-Körper zu beobachten,
Völlig geboren mit sich windenden Maden.
Völlig seit dem ganzen Winter,
Ich habe eine dieselbe Sache wiederholt gemacht,
Hieb offener pomelo durch pomelo,
Das Saugen des nutrtion im Prozess des Todes.
2010年10月26日 星期二
Music in this Autumn
A wonderful and poetic evening of music making in Autumn.
Thank you very much for all who attended the concert on 26 October 2010 at HK Reader. Thank Izumi (flutist)
and Tak (Oboist), the two very young ladies with high proficiency in musicianship, had given us a wonderful
evening of music from classical to contemporary and Izumi's own compositions, two about cats and one about
Hongkong boys. They are so sweet and beautiful that had further encahnted this wonderful Autumn evening.
Thanks must be given to Timmy of HKReader allowing us to present this type of event in her bookshop, in an
atmospoeshere so literary. Also I must thank Paul, a profesional photographer, an Arts-enthusiast had contributed
his valuable time taking photos for us to help marking memorable moments is our music making. Further thanks
also go to Mr. Henry Chan who sponsored this concert by monetary donation. He is recovering from a minor operation.
Wish him speedy recovery and good health. Lastly I must thank myself, who knows that there are tigers in the mountain
and yet in he goes into the mountain. I think once again, it is the power of love (this time for Arts) has brought this outcome.
I am planning for my fourth presentation. I urgently need musicians/performers (All forms of Arts), should you
know anyone or you yourself who are capable and interesed in my way of Arts making, please contact me direct
by email: sharegivetake@gmail.com or oswaldhilda@gmail.com
Autumn is the most wonderful season in Hong Kong. Enjoy !
ps. If you want to unsubscribe, please send me a message.
Ein wunderbarer und poetischer Abend des Musik-Bildens im Herbst.
Vielen Dank für alle, wer dem Konzert am 26. Oktober 2010 am HK Leser beiwohnte. Bedanken Sie Sich bei Izumi (Flötenspieler)
und Tak (Oboist), die zwei sehr jungen Damen mit hohen Kenntnissen in der musikalischen Sachverstand, hatte uns einen wunderbaren gegeben
Abend der Musik von klassisch bis Zeitgenossen und die eigenen Zusammensetzungen von Izumi, zwei über Katzen und ein darüber
Hongkong-Jungen. Dort sind so süß und schön, der weiter encahnted diesen wunderbaren Herbstabend hatte.
Dank muss Timmy von HKReader das Gewähren von uns gegeben werden, diesen Typ des Ereignisses in ihrer Buchhandlung, in zu präsentieren
so literarischer atmospoeshere. Auch ich muss mich bei Paul, einem profesional Fotografen bedanken, ein Kunstanhänger hatte beigetragen
seine wertvolle Zeit nehmend Fotos für uns, um kennzeichnenden denkwürdigen Momenten zu helfen, ist unser Musik-Bilden. Weiterer Dank
gehen Sie auch zu Herrn Henry Chan, der dieses Konzert durch die Geldspende sponserte. Er erholt sich von einer geringen Operation.
Wünschen Sie ihn schnelle Wiederherstellung und gute Gesundheit. Letzt muss ich mich bedanken, wer weiß, dass es Tiger im Berg gibt
und noch in tritt er in den Berg ein. Ich denke noch einmal, es ist die Macht der Liebe (dieses Mal für Künste) hat dieses Ergebnis gebracht.
Ich plane für meine vierte Präsentation. Ich brauche dringend Musiker/Darsteller (Alle Formen von Künsten), sollen Sie
kennen Sie irgendjemanden oder Sie selbst, die fähig sind und interesed in meinem Weg des Kunstbildens, setzen Sie sich mit mir bitte direkt in Verbindung
durch die E-Mail: sharegivetake@gmail.com oder oswaldhilda@gmail.com
Herbst ist die wunderbarste Jahreszeit in Hong Kong. Genießen Sie!
ps. Wenn Sie ununterschreiben wollen, senden Sie mir bitte eine Nachricht
A wonderful and poetic evening of music making in Autumn.
Thank you very much for all who attended the concert on 26 October 2010 at HK Reader. Thank Izumi (flutist)
and Tak (Oboist), the two very young ladies with high proficiency in musicianship, had given us a wonderful
evening of music from classical to contemporary and Izumi's own compositions, two about cats and one about
Hongkong boys. They are so sweet and beautiful that had further encahnted this wonderful Autumn evening.
Thanks must be given to Timmy of HKReader allowing us to present this type of event in her bookshop, in an
atmospoeshere so literary. Also I must thank Paul, a profesional photographer, an Arts-enthusiast had contributed
his valuable time taking photos for us to help marking memorable moments is our music making. Further thanks
also go to Mr. Henry Chan who sponsored this concert by monetary donation. He is recovering from a minor operation.
Wish him speedy recovery and good health. Lastly I must thank myself, who knows that there are tigers in the mountain
and yet in he goes into the mountain. I think once again, it is the power of love (this time for Arts) has brought this outcome.
I am planning for my fourth presentation. I urgently need musicians/performers (All forms of Arts), should you
know anyone or you yourself who are capable and interesed in my way of Arts making, please contact me direct
by email: sharegivetake@gmail.com or oswaldhilda@gmail.com
Autumn is the most wonderful season in Hong Kong. Enjoy !
ps. If you want to unsubscribe, please send me a message.
Ein wunderbarer und poetischer Abend des Musik-Bildens im Herbst.
Vielen Dank für alle, wer dem Konzert am 26. Oktober 2010 am HK Leser beiwohnte. Bedanken Sie Sich bei Izumi (Flötenspieler)
und Tak (Oboist), die zwei sehr jungen Damen mit hohen Kenntnissen in der musikalischen Sachverstand, hatte uns einen wunderbaren gegeben
Abend der Musik von klassisch bis Zeitgenossen und die eigenen Zusammensetzungen von Izumi, zwei über Katzen und ein darüber
Hongkong-Jungen. Dort sind so süß und schön, der weiter encahnted diesen wunderbaren Herbstabend hatte.
Dank muss Timmy von HKReader das Gewähren von uns gegeben werden, diesen Typ des Ereignisses in ihrer Buchhandlung, in zu präsentieren
so literarischer atmospoeshere. Auch ich muss mich bei Paul, einem profesional Fotografen bedanken, ein Kunstanhänger hatte beigetragen
seine wertvolle Zeit nehmend Fotos für uns, um kennzeichnenden denkwürdigen Momenten zu helfen, ist unser Musik-Bilden. Weiterer Dank
gehen Sie auch zu Herrn Henry Chan, der dieses Konzert durch die Geldspende sponserte. Er erholt sich von einer geringen Operation.
Wünschen Sie ihn schnelle Wiederherstellung und gute Gesundheit. Letzt muss ich mich bedanken, wer weiß, dass es Tiger im Berg gibt
und noch in tritt er in den Berg ein. Ich denke noch einmal, es ist die Macht der Liebe (dieses Mal für Künste) hat dieses Ergebnis gebracht.
Ich plane für meine vierte Präsentation. Ich brauche dringend Musiker/Darsteller (Alle Formen von Künsten), sollen Sie
kennen Sie irgendjemanden oder Sie selbst, die fähig sind und interesed in meinem Weg des Kunstbildens, setzen Sie sich mit mir bitte direkt in Verbindung
durch die E-Mail: sharegivetake@gmail.com oder oswaldhilda@gmail.com
Herbst ist die wunderbarste Jahreszeit in Hong Kong. Genießen Sie!
ps. Wenn Sie ununterschreiben wollen, senden Sie mir bitte eine Nachricht
2010年10月25日 星期一
Music tonight - Reminder
Third Music Presentation
Hi, Dear Music Lovers,
Just to remind you the music will be on as scheduled. The breath of Autumn is around. It is very favourable to our musical and poetic atmosphere. Lte's breathe
together. It is not too easy to encounter in life.
Artists: Duo Fluxion with Izumi Nikado - flute/keyboard and Tak Wing Leung - Bussoon/vocal
Music: pops with a touch of contemporaries
MC/poetry: oswald
Venue: HK Reader 序言書室
Address: 68 Sai Yeung Choi Street South, 7/f, Mongkok, Kowloon. Hong Kong.
Date: 26 Oct 2010, Tuesday
Time: 2030 - 2230 hours.
Form: casual.
F&B: soft drinks available at low cost.
Contact: blog: sharegivetake.blogspot.com, email: sharegivetake@gmail.com or oswaldhilda@gmail.com
Artists: www.studiomelangeltd.com
See you there.
Musik heute Abend - Gedächtnishilfe
Die dritte Musik-Präsentation
Hallo, Liebe Musik-Geliebte,
Um gerade Sie zu erinnern, wird die Musik auf als vorgesehen sein. Der Atem des Herbstes ist ringsherum. Das ist unserer musikalischen und poetischen Atmosphäre sehr geneigt. Wollen wir zusammen atmen. Es ist nicht zu leicht, um auf solchen im Leben zu stoßen.
Künstler: Duett Fluxion mit Izumi Nikado - Flöte/Tastatur und Tak Flügel Leung - Bussoon/vocal
Musik: Pop mit etwas Zeitgenossen
Festordner/Dichtung: oswald
Treffpunkt: HK Reader
Adresse: 68 Süden von Sai Yeung Choi Street, 7/f, Mongkok, Kowloon. Hong Kong.
Datum: Dienstag, der 26. Okt 2010
Zeit: 2030 - 2230 Uhr.
Form: Straßenanzug.
Getränk: an niedrigen Kosten verfügbare alkoholfreie Getränke.
Kontakt: blog: sharegivetake.blogspot.com, E-Mail: sharegivetake@gmail.com oder oswaldhilda@gmail.com
Künstler: www.studiomelangeltd.com
Sehen Sie dort.
Biss heute Abend!
Hi, Dear Music Lovers,
Just to remind you the music will be on as scheduled. The breath of Autumn is around. It is very favourable to our musical and poetic atmosphere. Lte's breathe
together. It is not too easy to encounter in life.
Artists: Duo Fluxion with Izumi Nikado - flute/keyboard and Tak Wing Leung - Bussoon/vocal
Music: pops with a touch of contemporaries
MC/poetry: oswald
Venue: HK Reader 序言書室
Address: 68 Sai Yeung Choi Street South, 7/f, Mongkok, Kowloon. Hong Kong.
Date: 26 Oct 2010, Tuesday
Time: 2030 - 2230 hours.
Form: casual.
F&B: soft drinks available at low cost.
Contact: blog: sharegivetake.blogspot.com, email: sharegivetake@gmail.com or oswaldhilda@gmail.com
Artists: www.studiomelangeltd.com
See you there.
Musik heute Abend - Gedächtnishilfe
Die dritte Musik-Präsentation
Hallo, Liebe Musik-Geliebte,
Um gerade Sie zu erinnern, wird die Musik auf als vorgesehen sein. Der Atem des Herbstes ist ringsherum. Das ist unserer musikalischen und poetischen Atmosphäre sehr geneigt. Wollen wir zusammen atmen. Es ist nicht zu leicht, um auf solchen im Leben zu stoßen.
Künstler: Duett Fluxion mit Izumi Nikado - Flöte/Tastatur und Tak Flügel Leung - Bussoon/vocal
Musik: Pop mit etwas Zeitgenossen
Festordner/Dichtung: oswald
Treffpunkt: HK Reader
Adresse: 68 Süden von Sai Yeung Choi Street, 7/f, Mongkok, Kowloon. Hong Kong.
Datum: Dienstag, der 26. Okt 2010
Zeit: 2030 - 2230 Uhr.
Form: Straßenanzug.
Getränk: an niedrigen Kosten verfügbare alkoholfreie Getränke.
Kontakt: blog: sharegivetake.blogspot.com, E-Mail: sharegivetake@gmail.com oder oswaldhilda@gmail.com
Künstler: www.studiomelangeltd.com
Sehen Sie dort.
Biss heute Abend!
海和天 By: 柳木下
The Sea and The Sky (In English)
(translated by oswald chan)
I asked:
How is the sky far away at the horizon?
You shook your head.
I told you: That's the sea, that's the sky.
The sky and sea are kissing over there.
You giggled, shyly.
Das Meer und Der Himmel (In German)
(trabslated by oswald chan)
Ich fragte:
Wie ist der Himmel weit am horizont?
Du schüttelst deinen Kopf.
Ich erzählte dich: Da ist das Meer, da ist der Himmel.
Der Himmel und das Meer küssen sich da drüben.
Du kichertest, schüchtern.
(composed on 19 April 2010)
The Sea and The Sky (In English)
(translated by oswald chan)
I asked:
How is the sky far away at the horizon?
You shook your head.
I told you: That's the sea, that's the sky.
The sky and sea are kissing over there.
You giggled, shyly.
Das Meer und Der Himmel (In German)
(trabslated by oswald chan)
Ich fragte:
Wie ist der Himmel weit am horizont?
Du schüttelst deinen Kopf.
Ich erzählte dich: Da ist das Meer, da ist der Himmel.
Der Himmel und das Meer küssen sich da drüben.
Du kichertest, schüchtern.
(composed on 19 April 2010)
2010年10月20日 星期三
I am thingking of you
The door open,
The mild Autumn wind pushes open the door.
Is it you at the door?
No, there is nobody there, but
a small white butterfly flying into the room.
Oh, is it you in the form of a butterfly
Coming to see me?
You are not accompanied,
So it must be you.
Dancing and flying around the room
Cutting air into ribbons, so beautiful and
so elegant,
So it must be you.
Twisting around my head and body,
kissing my face, wrapping me with your arms!
Tell me please,
Is it you?
The mild Autumn wind pushes open the door.
Is it you at the door?
No, there is nobody there, but
a small white butterfly flying into the room.
Oh, is it you in the form of a butterfly
Coming to see me?
You are not accompanied,
So it must be you.
Dancing and flying around the room
Cutting air into ribbons, so beautiful and
so elegant,
So it must be you.
Twisting around my head and body,
kissing my face, wrapping me with your arms!
Tell me please,
Is it you?
2010年10月19日 星期二
You are me (by Liu Xiaobo)
你是我......... 劉曉波
------ 給小妹
You are me....... Liu Xiabao
------ dedicated to Xia Mèi
(translated by oswald at 1030 hours on 05 Jan 2010)
You are me,
Spending the days of this Winter.
Because of your stiffness, you look brighter.
The wind tucks into my bones, I woke up.
You make everything withered, but
Leaving me, with you,
Face to face, under
The Ice-cracked sky.
That is the consolation you convey
To a prisioner.
I could find no way to hide,
You can just get me
Through any single crack on the walls.
The frozen ears, has become sensitive,
Can hear every note you play to me.
I am naked,
Melting in unision with you
In this Winter days.
------ 給小妹
You are me....... Liu Xiabao
------ dedicated to Xia Mèi
(translated by oswald at 1030 hours on 05 Jan 2010)
You are me,
Spending the days of this Winter.
Because of your stiffness, you look brighter.
The wind tucks into my bones, I woke up.
You make everything withered, but
Leaving me, with you,
Face to face, under
The Ice-cracked sky.
That is the consolation you convey
To a prisioner.
I could find no way to hide,
You can just get me
Through any single crack on the walls.
The frozen ears, has become sensitive,
Can hear every note you play to me.
I am naked,
Melting in unision with you
In this Winter days.
在那一年的生日 (by oswald)
She lies on my chest (by oswald)
I am weak and tired,
I lie on the sofa,
She jumps on me and rests on my chest,
She pushes her nose to my cheek, and checks,
She crosses her hands on her chest,
And lay her head near my heart,
My heart is beating hard,
Her weight is a bit stress.
I fed her with smiles and she returns me with purrs
And falls asleep
on my chest.
I lie on the sofa,
She jumps on me and rests on my chest,
She pushes her nose to my cheek, and checks,
She crosses her hands on her chest,
And lay her head near my heart,
My heart is beating hard,
Her weight is a bit stress.
I fed her with smiles and she returns me with purrs
And falls asleep
on my chest.
Contributions and Donations (updated 19 Oct 2010, Tuesday)
Name......... Descriptions.......... Date
Mr. Henry Chan HKD 200.00 on 02 May 2010
Ms Cale Lau Name Cards (HKD 60.00) on 25 July 2010
Ms Cale Lau 4 bottles of Red Wine (HkD320.00) on 12 Sept 2010
Mr. Henry Chan HKD 500.oo on 26 Sep 2010
Ms. Chan Wun Hung HKD 1000.00 on 08 Oct 2010
Mr. Henry Chan HKD 500.00 on 17 Oct 2010
Mr. Henry Chan HKD 200.00 on 02 May 2010
Ms Cale Lau Name Cards (HKD 60.00) on 25 July 2010
Ms Cale Lau 4 bottles of Red Wine (HkD320.00) on 12 Sept 2010
Mr. Henry Chan HKD 500.oo on 26 Sep 2010
Ms. Chan Wun Hung HKD 1000.00 on 08 Oct 2010
Mr. Henry Chan HKD 500.00 on 17 Oct 2010
2010年10月12日 星期二
Third Music Presentation
Hi, Dear Music Lovers,
This is oswald again. I am very happy and have the honour to bring you two very young promised musicians of Hong Kong to play for us this October, on one of this beautiful Autumn evenings in a bookshop. Oh, music + books, how wonderful it is!
Artists: Duo Fluxion with Izumi Nikado - flute/keyboard and Tak Wing Leung - Bussoon/vocal
Music: pops with a touch of contemporaries
MC/poetry: oswald
Venue: HK Reader 序言書室
Address: 68 Sai Yeung Choi Street South, 7/f, Mongkok, Kowloon. Hong Kong.
Date: 26 Oct 2010, Tuesday
Time: 2030 - 2230 hours.
Form: casual.
F&B: soft drinks available at low cost.
Contact: sharegivetake.blogspot.com
: sharegivetake@gmail.com or oswaldhilda@gmail.com
Artists: www.studiomelangeltd.com
See you there.
This is oswald again. I am very happy and have the honour to bring you two very young promised musicians of Hong Kong to play for us this October, on one of this beautiful Autumn evenings in a bookshop. Oh, music + books, how wonderful it is!
Artists: Duo Fluxion with Izumi Nikado - flute/keyboard and Tak Wing Leung - Bussoon/vocal
Music: pops with a touch of contemporaries
MC/poetry: oswald
Venue: HK Reader 序言書室
Address: 68 Sai Yeung Choi Street South, 7/f, Mongkok, Kowloon. Hong Kong.
Date: 26 Oct 2010, Tuesday
Time: 2030 - 2230 hours.
Form: casual.
F&B: soft drinks available at low cost.
Contact: sharegivetake.blogspot.com
: sharegivetake@gmail.com or oswaldhilda@gmail.com
Artists: www.studiomelangeltd.com
See you there.
Contributions and Donations (updated 12 Oct 2010)
Name......... Descriptions.......... Date
Mr. Henry Chan HKD 200.00 on 02 May 2010
Ms Cale Lau Name Cards (HKD 60.00) on 25 July 2010
Ms Cale Lau 4 bottles of Red Wine (HkD320.00) on 12 Sept 2010
Mr. Henry Chan HKD 500.oo on 26 Sep 2010
Ms. Chan Wun Hung HKD 1000.00 on 08 Oct 2010
Mr. Henry Chan HKD 200.00 on 02 May 2010
Ms Cale Lau Name Cards (HKD 60.00) on 25 July 2010
Ms Cale Lau 4 bottles of Red Wine (HkD320.00) on 12 Sept 2010
Mr. Henry Chan HKD 500.oo on 26 Sep 2010
Ms. Chan Wun Hung HKD 1000.00 on 08 Oct 2010
2010年10月10日 星期日
Translated poem (original by Liu Xiaobo)
夜晚和黎明 (劉曉波)
-------- 給小霞
The night and Dawn (Liu Xiaobo)
Dedicate to Xiao Xia
Sleeping lone in the night, is
Extrordinary cold and bitter.
The lone star before dawn is relentless.
Though you have an orange headlight by your bed,
The freezing dusk is still
Of no mercy, swallow
The whole of you.
Talking to yourself, with the lamp,
Petting the shadow on the wall, weeping.
In this moment, you should burn a cigarette,
Or help yourself with a glass of wine,
Be hocus, dizzily, tracing your lost one,
Had he be swallowed by a even darker night?
Switch off the light, please,
Let the fume of the cigarette burn down this chilly night,
Splash your wine out of the window,
Let the dark night become drunk,
Let it rouse and vomit a new dawn,
One which perhaps might give you, good news.
(translated by oswald on Jan 2010)
-------- 給小霞
The night and Dawn (Liu Xiaobo)
Dedicate to Xiao Xia
Sleeping lone in the night, is
Extrordinary cold and bitter.
The lone star before dawn is relentless.
Though you have an orange headlight by your bed,
The freezing dusk is still
Of no mercy, swallow
The whole of you.
Talking to yourself, with the lamp,
Petting the shadow on the wall, weeping.
In this moment, you should burn a cigarette,
Or help yourself with a glass of wine,
Be hocus, dizzily, tracing your lost one,
Had he be swallowed by a even darker night?
Switch off the light, please,
Let the fume of the cigarette burn down this chilly night,
Splash your wine out of the window,
Let the dark night become drunk,
Let it rouse and vomit a new dawn,
One which perhaps might give you, good news.
(translated by oswald on Jan 2010)
3 translated Poems by Liu Xiaobo
The following three poems translated from Liu Xiaobo's poems by Nicolette Wong and oswald chan at the beginning of 2010. The Chinese versions will be attached when they are available.
When I Left—To My Sleeping Wife
When you took my heart
I was already gone.
On that clear autumn day
the shining handcuffs burnt in the sun.
I was being taken far away
to a place you could never find.
But when you woke up, your glance was
scorching my shadow.
The scar of your wound
was torn again and again.
I was astonished at your delicate body.
How could it endure such unexpected and persistent pain?
As the knife broke,
you gripped it.
Astonishment ---- to Xiao Xia
Astonishment is born out of a piece of stone,
of the weeds, the brown spots on the leaves
and the footprints of the beasts.
The sky falls at a strange corner
where the taste of forbidden fruits
is rising like the stars.
Astonishment is born out of a breath,
of the wine sleeping in the glass by itself.
My eyes wide open
they speak of an eternal loneliness.
Hold the world close
as the lamp hovers, drifting east and west.
In doubt there’s only silence—
thirty-six years old
already close to God.
Astonishment is born out of a conjunction.
The naked girl is the two tall glasses
on the sparkling Square cleansed of bloodstains.
Clean up the room. Destroy the evidence.
Pack away your memories.
Faraway from the windows
the ocean is bone white;
it stands between dust and poetry.
Astonishment is different from fear.
Mocking, degrading, it’s closer to despair,
deeper than solemnity.
Sorrow has lost its meaning.
People are laughing.
Let them laugh.
In the Company of Dust ---- to my ever-waiting wife
You have nothing. You wait for me
in the company of dust
which fills every corner of our home—
you don’t want to draw the blinds
for the sunlight to stir
your peace.
Dust fills the words on the bookshelf
the patterns on the carpet
and your letters to me—
you like to leave traces of dust
with the tip of your pen.
My eyes tingle at the sight of it.
All day you sit still
you refrain from walking
lest you crush the dust at your feet.
You breathe calmly
weaving a story with your silence.
Dust is the your loyal companion
in these suffocating times.
Dust fills your glance, your breath,
your time. Day after day
it piles up from the soles of your feet
to your chest, your throat
it nurses the grave in the depths of your soul.
The grave is your resting place
wait for me where you will be undisturbed.
You’re in love with dust
you wait for me
in darkness, in peace, in suffocation.
Wait for me in the company of dust—
refuse the sun, the breeze,
cocoon yourself in dust.
Sleep until I come back
you will rise
brush away the dust on your skin
in your soul
in a miracle of resurrection.
When I Left—To My Sleeping Wife
When you took my heart
I was already gone.
On that clear autumn day
the shining handcuffs burnt in the sun.
I was being taken far away
to a place you could never find.
But when you woke up, your glance was
scorching my shadow.
The scar of your wound
was torn again and again.
I was astonished at your delicate body.
How could it endure such unexpected and persistent pain?
As the knife broke,
you gripped it.
Astonishment ---- to Xiao Xia
Astonishment is born out of a piece of stone,
of the weeds, the brown spots on the leaves
and the footprints of the beasts.
The sky falls at a strange corner
where the taste of forbidden fruits
is rising like the stars.
Astonishment is born out of a breath,
of the wine sleeping in the glass by itself.
My eyes wide open
they speak of an eternal loneliness.
Hold the world close
as the lamp hovers, drifting east and west.
In doubt there’s only silence—
thirty-six years old
already close to God.
Astonishment is born out of a conjunction.
The naked girl is the two tall glasses
on the sparkling Square cleansed of bloodstains.
Clean up the room. Destroy the evidence.
Pack away your memories.
Faraway from the windows
the ocean is bone white;
it stands between dust and poetry.
Astonishment is different from fear.
Mocking, degrading, it’s closer to despair,
deeper than solemnity.
Sorrow has lost its meaning.
People are laughing.
Let them laugh.
In the Company of Dust ---- to my ever-waiting wife
You have nothing. You wait for me
in the company of dust
which fills every corner of our home—
you don’t want to draw the blinds
for the sunlight to stir
your peace.
Dust fills the words on the bookshelf
the patterns on the carpet
and your letters to me—
you like to leave traces of dust
with the tip of your pen.
My eyes tingle at the sight of it.
All day you sit still
you refrain from walking
lest you crush the dust at your feet.
You breathe calmly
weaving a story with your silence.
Dust is the your loyal companion
in these suffocating times.
Dust fills your glance, your breath,
your time. Day after day
it piles up from the soles of your feet
to your chest, your throat
it nurses the grave in the depths of your soul.
The grave is your resting place
wait for me where you will be undisturbed.
You’re in love with dust
you wait for me
in darkness, in peace, in suffocation.
Wait for me in the company of dust—
refuse the sun, the breeze,
cocoon yourself in dust.
Sleep until I come back
you will rise
brush away the dust on your skin
in your soul
in a miracle of resurrection.
2010年10月8日 星期五
15曰 夜埸: 漢文皇后
16曰 曰場: 夢斷香銷四十年
17曰 曰場: 折子戲
17曰 夜場: 焚香記
票價: 350,280,220,160,100
新光 2563 2959; 購票通 2314 4228
Please understand and support our culture!
15曰 夜埸: 漢文皇后
16曰 曰場: 夢斷香銷四十年
17曰 曰場: 折子戲
17曰 夜場: 焚香記
票價: 350,280,220,160,100
新光 2563 2959; 購票通 2314 4228
Please understand and support our culture!
2010年10月6日 星期三
很年輕, 健步如飛,
很年輕, 健步如飛,
2010年9月29日 星期三
Chopin 200th Anniversary - I am looking for artists who can play Chopin's works in good style in a salon-type performance.
One to two performances will be arraranged within this year. Any ideas and suggestions to make this come true and successful can be put forward to me. I can arrange the venue. I cannot afford the artists fees.
my contacts: emails: oswaldhilda@gmail.com or sharegivetake@gmail.com or
mobile: 9428 2283
my contacts: emails: oswaldhilda@gmail.com or sharegivetake@gmail.com or
mobile: 9428 2283
2010年9月28日 星期二
2010年9月26日 星期日
Walking in the rain
Walking in the rain,
Heavy rain,
Stormy rain
Soar my mind,
Sour my soul ,
Soar my body,
In this wild land.
Rain pours,
Thunder roars,
Lightnings strike,
The land is shaking
With this body
Walking in the rain.
Thrill me,
Hug me,
Kiss me,
Love me
Kill me.
Walking in the rain,
In this wild land.
[2010-9-27 12:15 PM]
Walking in the rain,
Heavy rain,
Stormy rain
Soar my mind,
Sour my soul ,
Soar my body,
In this wild land.
Rain pours,
Thunder roars,
Lightnings strike,
The land is shaking
With this body
Walking in the rain.
Thrill me,
Hug me,
Kiss me,
Love me
Kill me.
Walking in the rain,
In this wild land.
[2010-9-27 12:15 PM]
頭頂上 灰黑的雲
怱怱奔馳 夜空
高的晚霞 低的烏雲
太貼近 顯得巨大壓迫
一隻腳長 一隻腳短
那個夜 就是有這種
(取材自 高行建之<靈山>)
[2009-5-18 06:26 PM]
怱怱奔馳 夜空
高的晚霞 低的烏雲
太貼近 顯得巨大壓迫
一隻腳長 一隻腳短
那個夜 就是有這種
(取材自 高行建之<靈山>)
[2009-5-18 06:26 PM]
8964 (2009)
孩子 這幅晝
乾脆把它 Beeee---掉
乖巧的 留著 留著
享受爺爺為他們 特設的
富有中國 特色的
(2009 June)
乾脆把它 Beeee---掉
乖巧的 留著 留著
享受爺爺為他們 特設的
富有中國 特色的
(2009 June)
The Wind
Sometimes, the wind
takes a ride on the back of an eagle,
Flying between the dark clouds,
Telling the people
Thunder storm is on the way.
Sometimes, the wind
roams over and shakes the heads of the wheat,
From village front and up the hill.
Telling the people
Harvest time is coming.
Sometimes, the wind
climbs up the bare tops of the trees,
keeps on whistling coolly,
Telling the people
It will be snowing soon.
Sometimes, the wind
skis across the frozen river,
Pushing the windmill to sing,
Telling the people
This is the first song of Spring.
(base on a Chinese children poem by 徐魯)
[2009-5-1 08:24 PM]
takes a ride on the back of an eagle,
Flying between the dark clouds,
Telling the people
Thunder storm is on the way.
Sometimes, the wind
roams over and shakes the heads of the wheat,
From village front and up the hill.
Telling the people
Harvest time is coming.
Sometimes, the wind
climbs up the bare tops of the trees,
keeps on whistling coolly,
Telling the people
It will be snowing soon.
Sometimes, the wind
skis across the frozen river,
Pushing the windmill to sing,
Telling the people
This is the first song of Spring.
(base on a Chinese children poem by 徐魯)
[2009-5-1 08:24 PM]
林木茂密 小鳥飛翔
(2009-4-5 02:10 PM)
林木茂密 小鳥飛翔
(2009-4-5 02:10 PM)
家要養 屋要供
背包 手提包
左一抽 右一袋
手機 耳機 遊戲機
有讀報的 免費報紙
有打手電的 總有說不完的話兒
有違規吃喝的 廉價餐卡
有打遊戲機的 老中青男女皆宜
絕無僅有 也會有讀書的
唉 人太累了
(2008-11-30 12:20 PM)
家要養 屋要供
背包 手提包
左一抽 右一袋
手機 耳機 遊戲機
有讀報的 免費報紙
有打手電的 總有說不完的話兒
有違規吃喝的 廉價餐卡
有打遊戲機的 老中青男女皆宜
絕無僅有 也會有讀書的
唉 人太累了
(2008-11-30 12:20 PM)
2010年9月25日 星期六
Contributions and donations
Name......... Descriptions.......... Date
Mr. Henry Chan HKD 200.00 on 02 May 2010
Ms Cale Lau Name Cards (HKD 50.00) on 25 July 2010
Ms Cale Lau 4 bottles of Red Wine (HkD320.00) on 12 Sept 2010
Mr. Henry Chan HKD 500.oo on 26 Sep 2010
Mr. Henry Chan HKD 200.00 on 02 May 2010
Ms Cale Lau Name Cards (HKD 50.00) on 25 July 2010
Ms Cale Lau 4 bottles of Red Wine (HkD320.00) on 12 Sept 2010
Mr. Henry Chan HKD 500.oo on 26 Sep 2010
2010年9月24日 星期五
2010年9月22日 星期三
The City is Burning Down
The city is burning down,
The flame shows it's last respect.
When the flame's gone,
Ash remains.
With a whistle of wind,
disperse into emptiness.
for ever.
A glimpse of light,
Lasts a while.
for ever.
The flame shows it's last respect.
When the flame's gone,
Ash remains.
With a whistle of wind,
disperse into emptiness.
for ever.
A glimpse of light,
Lasts a while.
for ever.
2010年9月20日 星期一
The Rain Storm
The curtains drop,
The heaven falls,
The rain trolls like bells
The lightnings strike and
the thunders applaude,
A torrential steroric panarmont
composition of Nature's calls.
The troops moved on,
In forms and rhythms,
the troops are moving on.
(it is a joyful scene I am moving along)
The heaven falls,
The rain trolls like bells
The lightnings strike and
the thunders applaude,
A torrential steroric panarmont
composition of Nature's calls.
The troops moved on,
In forms and rhythms,
the troops are moving on.
(it is a joyful scene I am moving along)
2010年9月19日 星期日
Life, marked with traces.
Life, marked with traces,
Happy and unhappy,
Joyful or sorrowful,
It's life, it goes,
When it stops,
Life ends,
It marks a day.
(written 14 Sept 2010)
Happy and unhappy,
Joyful or sorrowful,
It's life, it goes,
When it stops,
Life ends,
It marks a day.
(written 14 Sept 2010)
Friday morning
It is a cool Friday morning,
It is too quiet,
There ain't any bird singing,
Even the air stands still,
Something wrong?
The radiant sun is coming up,
Only one bird arrives,
It doesn't sing,
Because it is a pigeon,
It is alone.
(written on 17 Sept 2010 Friday Morning)
It is too quiet,
There ain't any bird singing,
Even the air stands still,
Something wrong?
The radiant sun is coming up,
Only one bird arrives,
It doesn't sing,
Because it is a pigeon,
It is alone.
(written on 17 Sept 2010 Friday Morning)
2010年9月18日 星期六
Music event - 17 Sept., 2010
Thank you for those who attended and took part in this music event. It has a been a lovely evening for music lovers and music makers. I will try my best to do even better in the next events to come. Your supports will be much appreciated.
The performance was originally designed as a duet by Henry (the harpist) and Hank (the guitaist) but it turned out to becoome a trio with Neil's (the double bass Cellist) joining in. Of course a true "Bass" is wonderful for music making.
One advantage of his type of small group performance is that artists and audience can get very close together. And one may find it real musical in enviroment like this.
If you have any commence or suggestions please do write to me in this blog or send your email to Sharegivetake@gmai. com or my personal mail oswaldhilda@gmail.com. If you like to make a contribution of any sort please inform me direct through my mail boxes.
Watch out for the next event which is planned to lauch on late October, 2010.
The performance was originally designed as a duet by Henry (the harpist) and Hank (the guitaist) but it turned out to becoome a trio with Neil's (the double bass Cellist) joining in. Of course a true "Bass" is wonderful for music making.
One advantage of his type of small group performance is that artists and audience can get very close together. And one may find it real musical in enviroment like this.
If you have any commence or suggestions please do write to me in this blog or send your email to Sharegivetake@gmai. com or my personal mail oswaldhilda@gmail.com. If you like to make a contribution of any sort please inform me direct through my mail boxes.
Watch out for the next event which is planned to lauch on late October, 2010.
2010年9月12日 星期日
Contributions and Donations
Name Descriptions Date
Ms Cale Lau Name Cards (HKD 50.00) 25 July 2010
Ms Cale Lau 4 bottles of Red Wine (HKD320.00) 12 Sept 2010
Ms Cale Lau Name Cards (HKD 50.00) 25 July 2010
Ms Cale Lau 4 bottles of Red Wine (HKD320.00) 12 Sept 2010
A New Day
A day, a new day,
The sun has come out already.
It is threatening you with heat and light,
And telling you it is a
New day.
I put the blinds on,
Stopping the light from getting into
My room.
It is burning and steaming
My life.
For here I cannot stay,
I need to go away,
But where can I go?
It is nearly the end of
My days.
I have run 60 miles,
It looks as though I have never run at all.
I am still at the starting point,
Wandering, puzzling, searching
My way.
(written 12 Sept 2010, 0735 hrs)
The sun has come out already.
It is threatening you with heat and light,
And telling you it is a
New day.
I put the blinds on,
Stopping the light from getting into
My room.
It is burning and steaming
My life.
For here I cannot stay,
I need to go away,
But where can I go?
It is nearly the end of
My days.
I have run 60 miles,
It looks as though I have never run at all.
I am still at the starting point,
Wandering, puzzling, searching
My way.
(written 12 Sept 2010, 0735 hrs)
2010年9月3日 星期五
Blues and folks Music (藍調民歌音樂會)
Thank you for those who had attended my first presentation on 26 Aug 2010 and welcome everyone who loves blues to join us at my second music production hosted by two very talented blues players, Henry Chung and Yank Wong.
Duet: Harp + guitar (口琴+ 結他)
By : Henry Chung and Yank Wong
On : Friday 17 Sept 2010, 2000 - 2200 hours
At : HKReader. (序言書室) 68 Sai Yeung Choi St., 7/f.
Playing: Blues & Folks.
Event: Duet - playing blues and folks
Musicians: Henry - harpist, Yank - Guitarist
MC and narrator: oswald
Venue: 序言書室
Time and Date: 2000 - 2200 hours, Friday, 17 Sept 2010
Capacity - 20-25 standing.
Manner: casual but repects should be paid to the artists when the performance is on.
Participation: 10-15 minutes audienece cross-overs.
Contributions : 1. for the show, you can make it on site in the evening of performance.
2. to support my future events please pay in my bank account Hang Seng 205 070287 882 chan oswald pak fung. All receipts(names
and amounts) will be publicised in my production blog sharegivetake.blogspot.com
Hoping to see you there, no reservation is required. Soft drinks are availble at low costs. If you like you can send me your names and contacts so that I can include them in my mailing list for future events. If you are artists and hoping to making performances in this kind of performance please feel free to contact me by email sharegivetake@gmail.com. Critics and comments are most welcome.
------------------------------------------------------------ links of artists ---------------------------------------------------
Henry Chung:
Yank Wong:
Duet: Harp + guitar (口琴+ 結他)
By : Henry Chung and Yank Wong
On : Friday 17 Sept 2010, 2000 - 2200 hours
At : HKReader. (序言書室) 68 Sai Yeung Choi St., 7/f.
Playing: Blues & Folks.
Event: Duet - playing blues and folks
Musicians: Henry - harpist, Yank - Guitarist
MC and narrator: oswald
Venue: 序言書室
Time and Date: 2000 - 2200 hours, Friday, 17 Sept 2010
Capacity - 20-25 standing.
Manner: casual but repects should be paid to the artists when the performance is on.
Participation: 10-15 minutes audienece cross-overs.
Contributions : 1. for the show, you can make it on site in the evening of performance.
2. to support my future events please pay in my bank account Hang Seng 205 070287 882 chan oswald pak fung. All receipts(names
and amounts) will be publicised in my production blog sharegivetake.blogspot.com
Hoping to see you there, no reservation is required. Soft drinks are availble at low costs. If you like you can send me your names and contacts so that I can include them in my mailing list for future events. If you are artists and hoping to making performances in this kind of performance please feel free to contact me by email sharegivetake@gmail.com. Critics and comments are most welcome.
------------------------------------------------------------ links of artists ---------------------------------------------------
Henry Chung:
Yank Wong:
2010年9月2日 星期四
Two music performances (Blue harp+guitar) for Sept and Oct are coming. I need your support or sponsorship because the cost is normally cannot be covered. Your help will be much appreciated. Details of performances will be broadcasted a little bit later.
************all donations can be sent to Hang Seng Bank 205 070287 883. All receipts details will be printed in this blog. Thanks***************
One Night at Yaumati
The day ends, the night falls,
The lights on. People are rushing
to the bright side. The dark side is sad,
Those women are standing there, outside
the old buildings, tonight and every night,
Thirty years ago, sixty years ago,
On the dark side of the night.
I dare not looking at them, because
I can see everyone has a sad story
Behind their body. The rain is falling
hard. The fruits store at the corner of
Nanking Street is illuminated brightly.
People need to eat fruits in the night.
The women street is not for women.
The rain has spoiled much of the stores'
business. The faces of the store-keepers
tell me that they are unhappy. The night
ends, the dawn breaks, those women
outside the old building are gone,
The women street is not for women.
The fruit store is closed, people need not
to eat fruits in the day time. A new day,
Thirty years ago, sixty years ago.
(written on 18 July 2010 2312 hrs)
The lights on. People are rushing
to the bright side. The dark side is sad,
Those women are standing there, outside
the old buildings, tonight and every night,
Thirty years ago, sixty years ago,
On the dark side of the night.
I dare not looking at them, because
I can see everyone has a sad story
Behind their body. The rain is falling
hard. The fruits store at the corner of
Nanking Street is illuminated brightly.
People need to eat fruits in the night.
The women street is not for women.
The rain has spoiled much of the stores'
business. The faces of the store-keepers
tell me that they are unhappy. The night
ends, the dawn breaks, those women
outside the old building are gone,
The women street is not for women.
The fruit store is closed, people need not
to eat fruits in the day time. A new day,
Thirty years ago, sixty years ago.
(written on 18 July 2010 2312 hrs)
小精靈的歌聲 Der Elfen by JW Goethe
午夜後, 當人們都睡著了,
迴旋著, 唱著,
午夜後, 當人們都睡著了,
迴旋著, 唱著,
(translated from JW Goether's Der Elfen)
Der Elfen (by JW Goethe)
Um Mitternacht, wenn die Menschen erst schlafen,
Dann scheinet uns der Mond,
Dann leuchtet uns der Stern,
Wir wandeln und singen
Und tanzen erst gern.
Um Mitternacht, wenn die Menschen erst schlafen,
Auf Wiesen an den Erlen
Wir suchen unseren Raum
Und wandeln und singen
Und tanzen einen Traum.
(translation by oswald on 2010-7-10 07:39)
迴旋著, 唱著,
午夜後, 當人們都睡著了,
迴旋著, 唱著,
(translated from JW Goether's Der Elfen)
Der Elfen (by JW Goethe)
Um Mitternacht, wenn die Menschen erst schlafen,
Dann scheinet uns der Mond,
Dann leuchtet uns der Stern,
Wir wandeln und singen
Und tanzen erst gern.
Um Mitternacht, wenn die Menschen erst schlafen,
Auf Wiesen an den Erlen
Wir suchen unseren Raum
Und wandeln und singen
Und tanzen einen Traum.
(translation by oswald on 2010-7-10 07:39)
懷念二妹 by 詹冰
Mei Mei has gone to heaven,
It is now that I understand
There is maiden goddess,
"There are gold fishes swimming in the sky...."
Mei Mei was saying this and
slept then for ever.
You are a child poet!
The sunset clouds are in the blue sky.
I have searched it secretly ----
if there are gold fishes
hanging on the spider's web
At the branch tip of the acacia,
Oh, my little star
Are you my Mei Mei ?
* Mei mei is young sister (妹妹)
Mei Mei ist zum Himmel gegangen
Es ist, jetzt was ich verstehe
Es gibt da den Jungfrau-Göttin
"Da sind Goldfische, die im Himmel schwimmen...."
Mei Mei hat das gesagt und
auf da was sie dann immer geschlafen
Du bist ein Kinderdichter!
Die Abendlicht ist im Himmel.
Ich habe es heimlich gesucht -----
wenn es Goldfische gibt
das Abhängen vom Spinngewebe
Am Zweigtipp der Akazie,
Oh, mein kleiner Stern
Sind Sie mein Mei Mei?
Mei Mei ist jüngere Schwester
(translated by oswal on 10-7-27 10:23 hrs)
Mei Mei has gone to heaven,
It is now that I understand
There is maiden goddess,
"There are gold fishes swimming in the sky...."
Mei Mei was saying this and
slept then for ever.
You are a child poet!
The sunset clouds are in the blue sky.
I have searched it secretly ----
if there are gold fishes
hanging on the spider's web
At the branch tip of the acacia,
Oh, my little star
Are you my Mei Mei ?
* Mei mei is young sister (妹妹)
Mei Mei ist zum Himmel gegangen
Es ist, jetzt was ich verstehe
Es gibt da den Jungfrau-Göttin
"Da sind Goldfische, die im Himmel schwimmen...."
Mei Mei hat das gesagt und
auf da was sie dann immer geschlafen
Du bist ein Kinderdichter!
Die Abendlicht ist im Himmel.
Ich habe es heimlich gesucht -----
wenn es Goldfische gibt
das Abhängen vom Spinngewebe
Am Zweigtipp der Akazie,
Oh, mein kleiner Stern
Sind Sie mein Mei Mei?
Mei Mei ist jüngere Schwester
(translated by oswal on 10-7-27 10:23 hrs)
(written 29 Aug 2010)
(written 29 Aug 2010)
It is raining
Raining, hear, it is raining,
In this time of midnight.
Quiet and soft,
Gentle and mild.
Nectar as a love song,
whispering at my ear,
so tender and sweet.
Raining, a loving dream.
(composed 24 Aug 2010)
In this time of midnight.
Quiet and soft,
Gentle and mild.
Nectar as a love song,
whispering at my ear,
so tender and sweet.
Raining, a loving dream.
(composed 24 Aug 2010)
White for all
White at the door,
White on the floor,
White at the ceiling,
White on the four walls.
I ask how much you want?
He said thirteen thousand for all
White on the floor,
White at the ceiling,
White on the four walls.
I ask how much you want?
He said thirteen thousand for all
2010年8月29日 星期日
Ranger in Mongkok
1. at 1944 hrs.
Heads are moving,
Feet are walking,
Neon lights are running,
In the midst of people, I'm
Waiting, for
2. at 1840 hrs.
Empty mind,
Empty arms,
Hopping around,
No way to bound.
Written on 31 July 2101 09:46 hurs)
Heads are moving,
Feet are walking,
Neon lights are running,
In the midst of people, I'm
Waiting, for
2. at 1840 hrs.
Empty mind,
Empty arms,
Hopping around,
No way to bound.
Written on 31 July 2101 09:46 hurs)
When the dawn breaks,
Before the sun rises,
The quietness in the air,
The sounds of silence
In a time of a life,
I feel grateful,
It is Nature.
(written on 2010-8-21 06:59 hrs)
Before the sun rises,
The quietness in the air,
The sounds of silence
In a time of a life,
I feel grateful,
It is Nature.
(written on 2010-8-21 06:59 hrs)
2010年8月28日 星期六
Kubrickpoetry - 29 August 2010
Ya, es ist morgan! Kommen Sie mit Ihren Freunden. Sie werden sich mit dem besten Künste in der Stadt finden.
Come, come with your friends, your will find youself the best arts in town.
We will have Camille Loivier, a French poet in this Sunday 5-6pm as our honourable guest. She speaks French, English and Chinese. You are welcome to bring your own work to read and share as always.
Kubrick Poetry‧ August ‧ Lyricism and Translation
時間 Time:2010/8/29 (Sun) 5:00pm-6:00pm
地點 Venue: 油麻地 Kubrick(next to Broadway Cinemathèque, 3 Public Square St.)
主持 Moderators:Florence Ng, Wong Wai Yim, Polly Ho, Adam Cheung
詩人來賓 Guest Poet: Camille Loivier
Born in France in 1965, Camille’s recent book publications include Elegy for a Bird (2005), Caractères (2009), and It Is Night (2009). In addition to having published poems in literature reviews such as Dans la Lune, she has also done editing work for the literature review Neige d’Août since 1999, focusing on lyricism and Asian poetry. Camille has also produced French translations of the works of Taiwanese novelist Wang Wen-hsing and poets including Hung Hung, Hsia Yu, and Leung Ping-kwan.
While Camille will read from her works in French and Chinese, participants are also welcome to share poems or other forms of creative writing in any language. Knowledge of French is not required, but one will surely take away some words or phrases to savor.
(copied from email sent by Polly of KubrickPoetry)
If you have diffculties to get to these places, please call my moile 9428 2283, I will show you there.
For those who are staying in other countries, if you like to give a helping hand to Hong Kong Arts, please contact me directly. We will discuss how we can make arts go across all boundaries.
Es ist Ihr verrückter oswald sagt,
Ganze Beste.
Come, come with your friends, your will find youself the best arts in town.
We will have Camille Loivier, a French poet in this Sunday 5-6pm as our honourable guest. She speaks French, English and Chinese. You are welcome to bring your own work to read and share as always.
Kubrick Poetry‧ August ‧ Lyricism and Translation
時間 Time:2010/8/29 (Sun) 5:00pm-6:00pm
地點 Venue: 油麻地 Kubrick(next to Broadway Cinemathèque, 3 Public Square St.)
主持 Moderators:Florence Ng, Wong Wai Yim, Polly Ho, Adam Cheung
詩人來賓 Guest Poet: Camille Loivier
Born in France in 1965, Camille’s recent book publications include Elegy for a Bird (2005), Caractères (2009), and It Is Night (2009). In addition to having published poems in literature reviews such as Dans la Lune, she has also done editing work for the literature review Neige d’Août since 1999, focusing on lyricism and Asian poetry. Camille has also produced French translations of the works of Taiwanese novelist Wang Wen-hsing and poets including Hung Hung, Hsia Yu, and Leung Ping-kwan.
While Camille will read from her works in French and Chinese, participants are also welcome to share poems or other forms of creative writing in any language. Knowledge of French is not required, but one will surely take away some words or phrases to savor.
(copied from email sent by Polly of KubrickPoetry)
If you have diffculties to get to these places, please call my moile 9428 2283, I will show you there.
For those who are staying in other countries, if you like to give a helping hand to Hong Kong Arts, please contact me directly. We will discuss how we can make arts go across all boundaries.
Es ist Ihr verrückter oswald sagt,
Ganze Beste.
2010年8月26日 星期四
K11 - on 28 August 2010
Please come and join Wai Yim's performance.
It's on this Saturday, 28 Aug 2010!
2 performances in Art Mall K11 (at Hart Avenue, Tsimshatsui.)
1st show: 4pm, the Piazza of K11 (MTR exit D1, D2. Ground Floor, The garden of K11)
See Photo: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:K11_The_Piazza_night.jpg
2nd show: 5pm, room B207, MTR exit N2
One audience will be invited to take part in a a meal with Wai Yim.
Curated by O.M.B., Daphne Chu
Art pieces Photos by Ariom Leung
****** Well, I have watched the show. I like it. It is art in life, and life with life. And it speaks our Hongkong culture. If you have watched it, please send me you comments. Provide hereunder is the video of Wai Yim's work which is taken sometimes ago.
++++++You are also very creative? Why not send me your ideas ? If I could I will arrange the performance. ++++++++
It's on this Saturday, 28 Aug 2010!
2 performances in Art Mall K11 (at Hart Avenue, Tsimshatsui.)
1st show: 4pm, the Piazza of K11 (MTR exit D1, D2. Ground Floor, The garden of K11)
See Photo: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:K11_The_Piazza_night.jpg
2nd show: 5pm, room B207, MTR exit N2
One audience will be invited to take part in a a meal with Wai Yim.
Curated by O.M.B., Daphne Chu
Art pieces Photos by Ariom Leung
****** Well, I have watched the show. I like it. It is art in life, and life with life. And it speaks our Hongkong culture. If you have watched it, please send me you comments. Provide hereunder is the video of Wai Yim's work which is taken sometimes ago.
++++++You are also very creative? Why not send me your ideas ? If I could I will arrange the performance. ++++++++
Duet - Violin + Guitar by Yanice and Nobel
On 26 August 2010, the duet recital by Yanice and Nobel is sucessfully performed.
Thank you for everyone who were in this recital.
Your comments to this performance is very valuable please do not heistate to send me.
Thank you for everyone who were in this recital.
Your comments to this performance is very valuable please do not heistate to send me.
This post shoulde be dated back to 10 Aug 2010
Crazy oswald is here.
Yes, this is my new idea. Bringing music/arts into a very small bookshop/bookcafe. This is my first arrangement and the future output will be different from time to time depends on the types of ideas getting into my impractical mind. I need your support. I mean for Arts and Music so come and join us and share our joys. Of course I cannot do my job with an empty stomach. All musicians need to be paid in some way, though at the beginning it may be very disgraceful. You can support us by vuluntary contributions.
Event: Duet - playing oldies with a touch in French
Musicians: Yanice - violinist/vocalist, Nobel - Guitarist
MC and narrator: oswald
Venue: 序言書室
Time and Date: 2100-2300 hours, Friday, 26 Aug 2010 for future events.
Capacity - 20-25 standing.
Manner: casual but repects should be paid to the artists when the performance is on.
Participation: 10-15 minutes audienece cross-overs.
Contributions : 1. for the show, you can make it on site in the evening of performance.
2. to support my future events please pay in my bank account Hang Seng 205 070287 882 chan oswald pak fung. All receipts(names and amounts) will be
publicised in my blog.
Hoping to see you there, no reservation is required. Soft drinks are availble at low costs. If you like you can send me your names and contacts so that I can include them
in my mailing list for future events. If you are artists and hoping to making performances in this kind of performance please feel free to contact me by email.
Thank you.
AND ...... my friend Polly sent me this, why not come and join us and share the high culture in town :
主題: 傾愛之城,藏身之所
日期:日期:2010.8.14(SAT)3:00pm - 4:30pm
地點:油麻地kubrick -油麻地眾坊街3號駿發花園H2地舖
1. Theme Song "Fort, Da"
蔡以瓦(Eva Tsai)作曲、演奏
2. 《那年不過十七歲》五分鐘音樂劇播放
3. 讀詩〈愛情獨舞〉(by潘國靈)
4. 小說〈遊戲〉聲演
聲演者:Polly Ho, Florence Ng, Lawrence Pun
5. 小說〈波士頓與紅磚屋〉片段朗讀
作曲及音樂伴奏:蔡以瓦(Eva Tsai)
Crazy oswald is here.
Yes, this is my new idea. Bringing music/arts into a very small bookshop/bookcafe. This is my first arrangement and the future output will be different from time to time depends on the types of ideas getting into my impractical mind. I need your support. I mean for Arts and Music so come and join us and share our joys. Of course I cannot do my job with an empty stomach. All musicians need to be paid in some way, though at the beginning it may be very disgraceful. You can support us by vuluntary contributions.
Event: Duet - playing oldies with a touch in French
Musicians: Yanice - violinist/vocalist, Nobel - Guitarist
MC and narrator: oswald
Venue: 序言書室
Time and Date: 2100-2300 hours, Friday, 26 Aug 2010 for future events.
Capacity - 20-25 standing.
Manner: casual but repects should be paid to the artists when the performance is on.
Participation: 10-15 minutes audienece cross-overs.
Contributions : 1. for the show, you can make it on site in the evening of performance.
2. to support my future events please pay in my bank account Hang Seng 205 070287 882 chan oswald pak fung. All receipts(names and amounts) will be
publicised in my blog.
Hoping to see you there, no reservation is required. Soft drinks are availble at low costs. If you like you can send me your names and contacts so that I can include them
in my mailing list for future events. If you are artists and hoping to making performances in this kind of performance please feel free to contact me by email.
Thank you.
AND ...... my friend Polly sent me this, why not come and join us and share the high culture in town :
主題: 傾愛之城,藏身之所
日期:日期:2010.8.14(SAT)3:00pm - 4:30pm
地點:油麻地kubrick -油麻地眾坊街3號駿發花園H2地舖
1. Theme Song "Fort, Da"
蔡以瓦(Eva Tsai)作曲、演奏
2. 《那年不過十七歲》五分鐘音樂劇播放
3. 讀詩〈愛情獨舞〉(by潘國靈)
4. 小說〈遊戲〉聲演
聲演者:Polly Ho, Florence Ng, Lawrence Pun
5. 小說〈波士頓與紅磚屋〉片段朗讀
作曲及音樂伴奏:蔡以瓦(Eva Tsai)
文章 (Atom)