2010年12月31日 星期五

Words from Budha's teaching


Oringinal Old Chinese Version:





JinGangjing (English Translation)

First Part : The Origin

I heard Budha's teaching and had recorded this:

During that time, Budha was in Anathapindika (a place for the monks) in Shravarti (name of a state in Tin Chuk天竺), together with a thousand two hundred fifty bhikshus (monks).

One day, when it was time for meal, Budha put on his robe and carried his bowl (I think other monks were doing the same) went into the city of Shravasti to beg for food. In the city, he went from door to door without choosing a special house and then returned to his place and had his food. After meal he put away his bowl, undressed his robe, washed his feet and arranged himself to take a seat.

Today's Chinese translation (中文意譯)

第一課 法會的起源部分


當時, 佛祖在舍衛國的衹樹給孤獨園(僧侶聚集的地方), 與一千二百五十大比丘(僧侶)在一起.

一日, 是日中(僧侶午後不食)進食的時候, 佛祖穿上僧袍, 拿起食缽, 進入舍衛國的大城乞食. 在城中, 俟門俟戶順序而乞, 不會特意選定某門某戶. 乞食畢,
返回園里進食. 食畢, 收拾好僧袍食缽, 沐足後, 回到安排好的座位, 開始打坐.

JinGangJing (German translation)

Der erste Teil: der Ursprung

Ich hörte Budha lehrend und hatte das registriert:

Während dieser Zeit war Budha in Anathapindika (ein Platz für die Mönche) in Shravarti (Name eines Zustands in Tin Chuk), zusammen mit eintausendzweihundertfünfzig bhikshus (Mönche).

Eines Tages, als es Zeit für die Mahlzeit war, stellt Budha auf seine Robe und trug seine Schüssel (ich denke, dass andere Mönche dasselbe machten) trat in die Stadt von Shravasti ein,um das Essen zu bitten. In der Stadt ging er von Tür bis Tür, ohne ein spezielles Haus zu wählen, und kehrte dann zu seinem Platz zurück und hatte sein Essen. Nach der Mahlzeit legte er seine Schüssel weg, entkleidete seine Robe, wusch seine Füße und veranlasste sich sich zu setzen.

(Note: I try to translate JinGangJing into spoken Chinese, English and German. I hope to make it)

2010年12月30日 星期四

Wish and Prayer for 2011


No matter it is good or bad this year,
be grateful and thankful to what we had.
And be hopeful in the New Year! 希望在明天。


Don't curse the past though it might be a bad year,
Work genuinely for today though it is the last day of a year,
Be confident with to-morrow though it is all but unknown,

Welcome 2011!

Enviromental tips (1)

Don't throw your paper away until it is fullu utilized. (say use as scrap paper)

2010年12月24日 星期五

Biography of Mr David Leung

Brief Biography:

David Leung is currently a PhD candidate majoring in musicology. His research area is focused on the use of programmatic references in the understanding of Hong Kong contemporary music written in western compositional format at The University of Hong Kong under the supervision of Dr. Giorgio Biancorosso. Leung has also written extensively on the musical expression and aesthetics, the subject to which Leung was drawn both as a composer, and through his studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong where he received a MPhil in music theory on the topic about Takemitsu’s uses of “sea motive” and “sea of tonality” in 2005, as well as another MPhil in musicology at The University of Hong Kong for the thesis “Memory, Aesthetics and Musical Quotation: Four Case Studies in 20th Century Music” in 2007 as a researcher. Leung’s particular interest is to explore how music relates to various arts, and how they convey meaning and evoke aesthetic response of listeners through different contexts. Currently Leung is writing his PhD thesis entitled Programming a Traditional Chineseness: A Historical Survey of the Development of Hong Kong Contemporary Music.

Furthermore, being a first honor graduate from HKAPA in composition and electronic music in 2003, Leung has been an active composer in Hong Kong for over a decade. Leung have published more than thirty pieces of musical work of different genres, including Refined Wisdom, which won the best composition award in the Hong Kong New Generation music competition 2001 and the commissioned work, Conversion for Pipa, Erhu and woodwind quartet, which was broadcasted live in Hong Kong Radio 4.

2010年12月23日 星期四

Hi Dear Friends,

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Let love and peace be always with us!

Share. Give. Take.

2010年12月21日 星期二

LMusTCL Examination

Enrolment Periods:

15 Dec 2010 - 5 Jan 2011 (in person)

Before 15 Jan 2011, 17:30 hrs (on line)

Examination Date:

7 May 2011 (SAT)

2010年12月20日 星期一

Der Totentanz by JW Goethe (English translated by oswald)

Der Türmer, der schaut zu mitten der Nacht
Hinab auf die Gräber in Lage;
Der Mond, der hat alles ins Helle gebracht,
Der Kirchhof, er liegt wie am Tage.
Da regt sich ein Grab und ein anderes dann:
Sie kommen hervor, ein Weib da, ein Mann,
In weißen und schleppenden Hemden.

Das reckt nun, es will sich ergetzen sogleich,
Die Knöchel zur Runde, zum Kranz,
So arm und so jung, und so alt und so reich;
Doch hindern die Schleppen am Tanz.
Und weil hier die Scham nun nicht weiter gebeut,
Sie schütteln sich alle, da liegen zerstreut
Die Hemdelein über den Hügeln.

Nun hebt sich der Schenkel, nun wackelt das Bein,
Gebärden da gibt es vertrackte;
Dann klipperts und klpperts mitunter hinein,
Als schlüg man die Hölzlein zum Takte.
Das kommt nun dem Türmer so lächerlich vor;
Da raunt ihm der Schalk, der Versucher, ins Ohr:
Geh! hole dir einen der Laken.

Getan wie gedacht! und er flüchtet sich schnell
Nun hinter geheiligte Türen.
Der Mond, und noch immer er scheinet so hell
Zum Tznz, den sie schauderlich führen.
Doch endlich verlieret sichdieser und der,
Schleicht eins nach dem andern gekleidet einher,
Und husch! is es unter dem Rasen.

Nur einer, der trippelt und stolpert zuletzt
Und tappet und grapst an den Grüften;
Doch hat kein Geselle so schwer ihn verletzt,
Er wittert das Tuch in den Lüften.
Er rüttelt die Turmtür, sie schlägt ihn zurück,
Geziert und gesegnet, dem Türmer zum Glück,
Sie blinkt von metallenen Kreuzen.

Das Hemd muß er haben, da rastet er nicht,
Da gilt auch kein langes Besinnen,
Den gotischen Zierat ergreift nun der Wicht
Und klettert von Zinne zu Zinnen. And from point on to point hastes to climb.
Nun ist's um den armen, den Türmer getan!
Es ruckt sich von Schnörkel zu Schnörkel hinan,
Langbeinigen Spinnen vergleichbar.

Der Türmer erbleichet, der Türmer erbebt,
Gern gäb er ihn wieder, den Laken.
Da häkelt — jetzt hat er am längsten gelebt —
Den Zipfel ein eiserner Zacken.
Schon trübet der Mond sich verschwindenden Scheins,
Die Glocke, sie donnert ein mächtiges Eins,
Und unten zerschellt das Gerippe.

The Dance of the Death (by JW Goethe)
(English translated by oswald)

The watchman, on guard in the middle of the night,
Looks down at the graves high up from the watch tower.
The moon, in its brightness has brought everything so clear.
The churchyard, lies there and is lit up like the day.
There, one grave tomb stirs and another follows:
Out they come, here is a woman, there a man,
In white and trailing shrouds.

They stretch their bones and are now so delightful,
They form themselves into a circle and begin a round dance,
The poor and the young, the old and the rich,
Their trailing shrounds hindering their dances,
Whilst the laws of modesty here do not apply,
So they shake off all their shrounds,
And let them lying over the tombs around the mould.

Now they hop in their thighs, now they wag with their legs,
The gestures are antic and mad;
Now and again there are klippings and clappings,
As if someone is keeping time with castanets,
These occurences have become rediculous to the watchman;
The rouge, the tempter murmur in his ear:
Go! And seize one of their shrounds.

As swift as thought it is done! And quickily he flees back
Now at behind the doors of the shrine.
The moon, is still shining brightly
On the dance that are so scaring.
At last, the dancers leave one after another,
Creeping back in their shrounds,
And shoo! they are back under the mould.

Only one left behind, he tumbles and stumbles along;
And fumbling and snatching on the graves,
But none of his fellows has done him such serious deeds,
He smells and scents the shrould from the air.
He rattles the gate of the tower, it repels him in return,
The gate is decorated and blessed, that is lucky for the watchman,
And is covered with shining metal holy crosses.

His shroud he must have, he has no time to waste,
Without deliberate thinking,
The poor thing seizes the Goethic ornamentation
And begins to climb the tower wall from merlon to merlon.
Now for the watchman it is desperate, his day is done!
Up the skeleton moves swift, pinacle to pinacle,
Like a long-legged spider.

The watchman turns pale, the watchman trembles,
He tries to give the shroud back.
But a corner of it --- now his end is near ---
Was caught by an iron spike.
The moon is obscured by the clouds and its light is fading,
The clock, thunders a mighty roar, strikes one.
And the skeleton is smashed to pieces down the tower.

硬骨頭 (by oswald)


Christmas with Poetry

I highly recommend the following event:




時間:9:00pm - 12:00mid-night
9:15pm - 9:45pm (柏麗大道近九龍公園游泳池入口);
10:00pm - 10:30pm (柏麗大道與金巴利道交界);
10:45pm - 11:15pm (尖沙嘴鐘樓);
11:30pm - 12:00mid-night (文化中心樓梯)
聯絡方法:小風 (9607 4715)、舒湄 (9270 9117)

是次詩會將以表演的形式進行,讓我們沿街散佈詩意。當中精彩內容包括:街頭朗誦、不准齋讀詩表演、手風琴演奏……更特別的是,這次我們一路更有詩人賣火柴,販售另類詩體驗!我們歡迎各位詩友到場加入「街頭散佈詩意」的行列。有興趣的詩友,可直接與小風 (9607 4715) 聯絡。



|| http://ourpoem.tk || poemselves@gmail.com ||
|| 小風 +852 9607 4715 || 舒湄 +852 9270 9117 || 星風 +852 6482 9141

2010年12月19日 星期日

LMUST Examination Workshop

Hi dear friends,

I am very please to declare that a workshop on the LMUST Exam is planned to carry in Feb 2011. The lecturer is Mr. David Leung.

The commencing date suggested: 21 Feb 2011, Monday, from 7:00pm-9:30pm
Place: 10 Wai Ching St., 11/f., Jordan.
Fees: abut HKD 1200 (to be confirmed)
Periods: 10 * 2.5 hrs/week (to be confirmed)

Your who are intered please forward their names to oswald by email sharegivetake@gmail.com

Course details will be announced later. Get prepared.


2010年12月17日 星期五

Last glimpse of light (by oswald)

A tranquil afternoon,
The slanting light of the late winter beams,
stays peacefully at the opposite building,
No disturbance, no annoyance,
Gently soothing your last glimpse of life.
Say, there is no neglect, no complaint,
That is what is life.

一天與一生 (by oswald)


2010年12月12日 星期日

Evil Mail

Hi Dear Friends,

Please note that there is a so-called "tubely" mail sent under my name. I did not send such mail. It could be virus mail. Please IGNOR it


2010年12月6日 星期一

浪吧 (by oswald)
